Chapter Twenty One

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AN: Hello and welcome to Chapter Twenty One! We'll be starting off in Gabriel's head again. Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Twenty One!



I heard the sound of a gong and a Chancellor stepped forward.

"We have gathered here, at the sacred site of Lysander's coronation, to determine who will be the next Queen of Faeries," the Chancellor declared, "Queen Tatiana has chosen Crown Princess Melisande as her champion. Nysa has not chosen a champion and will be facing the Crown Princess herself. The King of Dusk, Gabriel Drake, and Flynn, son of Nysa, will be present to ensure the fight is fair."

Melisande and Nysa stepped up on to the platform.

"When the gong sounds, the fight will begin," the Chancellor declared.

Nysa gritted her teeth and summoned her magic. Her hands glowed dark green. Melisande focused and her hands began to glow as well.

The gong sounded and Melisande and Nysa began to circle each other.

Nysa immediately summoned vines and tried to trap Melisande in them. She dodged the attack. Nysa hurled a blast at her niece and Melisande stepped back, avoiding the blast. She retaliated and blasted Nysa back, but Nysa deflected it with a shield.

Then Nysa smirked and placed her hands on the ground. The ground shook violently as Nysa poured her magic into the ground. Then vines shot up from the ground at Melisande's feet and wrapped around the faerie Princess, trapping her.

Nysa walked over to the trapped Princess. I frowned. This was not how things were supposed to be going.

Was Melisande going to lose?

Should we run now, while we still could?

"Aw poor little Melisande," Nysa said in a mocking tone, "All trapped in vines." Melisande struggled to break free and Nysa laughed. "Struggle all you like, you pathetic child," she smirked, "You won't be escaping anytime soon. Who knows? Maybe I'll show you some mercy and let you live through my reign as Queen. The palace could always use another maid."

Melisande struggled against the vines even more.

"And I think I'll gift your sister to my soldiers," Nysa told Melisande, "They could use a plaything. Perhaps I'll do the same to you."

Melisande growled angrily and I saw her beginning to glow brighter. If there was one person in the world that Melisande loved more than anyone else, it was Calypso. She was extremely protective of her younger sister. If given the choice, Melisande would gladly die if it meant keeping Calypso safe.

Melisande kept glowing and her glow kept getting brighter until she let out a burst of power and broke out of Nysa's vine trap. The force of Melisande breaking free sent Nysa flying back.

Nysa crashed into a pillar and fell to the ground. She got back up and growled angrily at Melisande.

Nysa unleashed a beam of light at Melisande and Melisande countered with her own blast. The two blasts met in the middle and battled for dominance as the two faeries tried to push each other back.

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