Chapter Six

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AN: Hello and welcome to Chapter Six! We'll be starting off in Starlene's head before we shift gears. Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Six!



Calder and I found ourselves at the front door of a small house on the West Side of Blackfell. This part of town wasn't exactly friendly and I had a feeling Calder wasn't entirely comfortable bringing me here, but I'd insisted that we go together. I needed to know what was in that coded letter.

"Remind me why I brought you here, again?" Calder asked me.

"Because I'm your wife and you love me and would therefore do anything for me," I smirked. Calder rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Fine," I sighed, "You brought me because I'm an overprotective older sister desperately trying to save her little brother from making a terrible mistake." Calder smirked.

"There's the answer I was looking for," he told me.

He turned to the door and knocked on it. A few moments later, a man opened the door.

"Calder Sinclair?" he asked.

"It's Calder Drake now, but that's not important," Calder replied, "Can we come in?"

The man nodded and ushered us inside. He closed the door and turned to us.

"What the hell are you doing Calder?" he asked, "You show up at my door with the Queen of Shadows. And then you call yourself a Drake."

"Watch your tone in front of my wife," Calder growled.

"She's your wife?!" the man exclaimed, "But then that makes you—"

"The King of Midnight," Calder interjected, "I know and again, not important." Calder turned to me. "Love, this is Derick," he told me, "He used to serve under me when I led the scouts."

"Nice to meet you," I told him.

"Likewise," Derick replied before turning to Calder, "So what are you doing here?"

"We need this deciphered," Calder stated as he handed Derick the coded letter.

"It looks similar to the code we used to use when we were scouts," Derick told Calder, "Is there anything you can tell me about this letter?"

"The stationary is from Queen Maricara's study," Calder replied.

Derick mulled that over for a moment.

"Well if it came from her study, is it safe to assume that the letter is from Queen Maricara?" Derick asked. I shrugged.

"Not necessarily," I told him, "It could be from someone else. She used to leave her study open a lot. Anyone could have had access to that stationary."

"It will take me some time to crack the code," Derick told me.

"Call me when you crack it," Calder told Derick, "And Derick?"

"Yes?" Derick asked.

"Under no circumstances are you to share this with anyone else," Calder told him.

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