Raine was silent as she processed that information.

"What do I do?" she asked, "He's bound to Melisande. That means I have to let him go."

"Wrong," I told her, "We vampires are physically and emotionally driven to find our soul mates. Once we find them, it's impossible to let them go. You won't be able to let him go, I know that for a fact."

"So what do I do, Leon?" she asked.

"The Drakes are trying to figure out a way out of this contract," I told Raine, "The best thing you can do now is be patient and let him know that you're not going to let him do this to you."

"How?" Raine asked.

"Talk to him," I replied, "Act like things are normal. Get closer to him again. But keep the flirting to a minimum. We don't want Melisande getting suspicious."

"And you think this will work?" she asked.

"I think it'll buy us time while the Drakes come up with a real plan," I replied, "Let me ask you this, Raine, do you truly love my Sire?"

"Yes," Raine replied with no hesitation.

"Then are you willing to fight for him?" I asked.

"Yes," Raine replied.

"Good," I replied, "Now get some sleep. You aren't fighting the faeries' war anymore. Your battle starts tomorrow."

Raine nodded and went inside the castle.

I sighed and looked up at the darkened sky.

Had I done the right thing?

I had betrayed my Sire by telling Raine about the contract. But at the same time I knew that she needed to know.

I sighed again.

I only hoped that we weren't fighting a losing battle.


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I woke up the next morning to find myself in an unfamiliar bedroom and to my utter shock, there was someone sleeping next to me. My shock rose when I realized that it was Melisande.

Then I started to remember what had transpired last night.

I swallowed hard.

I needed to get out of here. I needed to talk to my siblings. I cringed. I was going to get an earful for this.

Melisande stirred and after a few moments, she opened her eyes.

Heart of Radiance | Eternal Bonds: Book 3 Where stories live. Discover now