Are you fucking serious?

Começar do início

The bus screeched to a halt. Ryan waited until all the school kids had poured out of the bus. Then he stepped outside.

He had to admit - the school looked impressive at the first glance. Two tall glass buildings, a sprawling green lawn and a fountain in the middle. There were a couple of dome shaped buildings at the back.

Ryan puled out his mobile and looked at the schedule the school had sent him. He had registrations till 11. Great. How big was this school that they needed registrations on the first day?

Someone clapped him on his back. "Hey! New kid?"

Ryan turned around. The guy was  at least two inches taller then him and was totally punk style. His hands were covered with tattoos, there was a stud in his ear and he had gelled his dark purple hair into spikes. None of it went with the uniform. "Oh, hi. I'm Ryan."

"And I'm Drake." 

A car pulled up behind him. A brand new Lamborghini, a hot shade of red. A chauffeur in white stepped out and opened the door for Drake.

"Sexy car, dude."

Drake grinned. "Thanks. You have one?"

"Yup. Only my dad won't let me drive it - says its too dangerous."

Drake laughed. "Dude - I'm asking like - your own car?"

Ryan half smiled. "Obviously. I have a Bugatti Vernon."

"Man! That's too cool!"

"So you new here too?"

"Nope. Second year here - But I'm still in your class, no worries! I failed." He grinned again.

Ryan laughed. Seriously - this guy seemed to be totally off the rocks. "Well, I have to go for registrations - so I'll see you later!"

"Oh, you really gonna attend that crap? Half of us skip it!"

Ryan shrugged. "Well - I don't plan on failing, do I?"

 Drake studied me from top to bottom. "You don't seem to be the nerd type."

"Well, I have to go! Catch you later!"

Drake shook his head. "As you wish! Have fun!" 

Was everyone here so punk? Most of the schools he had gone to had them - all rich kids. This time mom had a film in the poorer area so he had to come here.

Ryan saw a large group of students gathered near the reception of the first glass building, so he went there and fought his way to the front desk. "Ryan Laureal?"

The receptionist looked frustrated. "Come again?"

"Ryan Laureal."

She typed it out onto the computer. "Um...yes. Class No. 11, B1. Down the hall, then go right."

Ryan nodded his thanks and left. He went inside his class. It was a large hall, with long rows of seats all around. It could seat at least a 50 students. He had never been to school with a class of over 20.

He glanced at his watch. Over an hour till classes started. He was beginning to see why most students skipped this. His home was just ten minutes away, but he obviously couldn't go there. Not with his dad around and mom absent. He wouldn't survive the hour.

A group of student ran inside. One of them pushed into him. Ryan stumbled backwards.

The kids looked at him. The one who had bared into him stepped forward. "Hey, man, sorry. I'm James Peterson. You?" James was short and had hazel brown hair and eyes to match.

BeatenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora