black raven (pt3)

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she cast off the mask. the familiar face greeted bai qian.

xuan nu.

"bai qian," xuan nu cooed. "it is good to see you again," she smiled wickedly.

"you monster. you-you ruined my life and a-li's!" bai qian pointed a finger. "i will have you die!"

"oh, dear, no," xuan nu said, smiling incredulously. "bring the boy in," she commanded to someone behind.

and a-li was brought in front of her, bound and gagged.

"a-li!" bai qian cried, but xuan nu snapped her fingers and bai qian was now bound and gagged too.

she transported a thought directly into xuan nu's mind: my husband will save us both, even if i am defenceless now!

xuan nu threw her head back and laughed. "he won't. i sent a servant to place a sleeping potion in his tea. he won't wake up for about 8 hours. by then, both of you will be dead."

"and what made you think that i would fall for such a weak trick?" a voice from the doorway asked.

xuan nu turned around, horrorstruck. "it cannot be!"

"i smelt and found something wrong with the tea so i didn't drink it." ye hua snarled.

he snapped his fingers and both mother and child were untied.

bai qian produced her fan and charged xuan nu.

however overwhelmed, xuan nu escaped and flew away, turning into a midnight black raven, just like her acronym.

she was gone, but the nightmares remained.

i'm going to make an actual book called black raven and it's about xuan nu and bai qian yesh!!

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