Memory Loss( finale)

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one more day.

one more day that bai qian searched and racked her mind for a memory. just a single one she could hold on to.

she remembered faintly. the tears and the smile on her beautiful face as she held her newborn. her husband's face, but that face was always a blur.

now, she was waiting for that face to come into focus.

she felt fizzles and tingles of joy whenever ye hua touched her, or even spoke to her. she had no explanation for it.

even though she didn't remember him, she knew deep inside that her life was linked strongly to this man. she knew that this man had been an important person in her life.

and she was determined to find out exactly who he was, his relation to her, and everything about him.

everyday, ye hua brought her to familiar places. she had left qing qiu many times to go to places like the celestial palace, mount junji. but none of it worked.

finally, in a desperate move, ye hua brought her to the peach blossom grove.

as they walked, bai qian felt something strong, something familiar.

she let go of his hand and headed off on her own, certain that she had come here before.

as if on cue, her feet moved in the exactly correct direction, and it led her to the pond.

as she stared into its depths, at her own and ye hua's reflections, a brilliant surge of energy and blinding light crossed her mind, and everything became clearer. for a moment, she saw nothing but white, endless eternity, the stars, everything she had missed.

her eyes flew open to see her husband standing by her, his worried eyes searching hers.

she smiled, relaxing visibly and touching his hand.

"ye hua."

his eyes widened as he looked at her.

she had remembered.

Eternal Love Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora