one day (pt.1)

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this would not be a good visit.

this was something she already knew when she stepped in.

so full of glamour, full of gold and everything precious.

she immediately knew she wasn't suited to this scene. and by the looks of her husband, he was bored.

"donghua," fengjiu touched his arm, "i don't think i suit this place-"

"i don't have a choice. if i turn up without a partner again, the celestials will bug me to get a partner, and i hate that."

"i don't think you as just a substitute, fengjiu, you must understand." he continued. "i just want to show them that i have someone that i love, that i won't tolerate anyone telling me otherwise."

she smiled softly. "then for you, i will try to get through tonight."

the annual ball. held every year in the celestial palace. every immortal ever born, no matter what tribe, was invited.  donghua dijun was bored stiff at the proceedings. he had lived for so long, attended so many of these events because it was necessary, how could he not get tired?

and now a beautiful young lady came up to her.

"my name is lixun," she said, smiling at her.

"hi," fengjiu smiled back.

"you must be tired of the ball?" the lady said.

"a bit." feng jiu. "i don't think i suit this kind of place."

and suddenly the dancing hall was silent and feng jiu was backed up against the wall, a sword held to her throat.

lixun stood in front of her, she was the one holding the sword.

"if you don't think you suit this place," she sneered, all niceness gone, "then why come?"

"i-"  "-silence."

her voice was magnified by a hundred times although it wasn't needed. the room was so quiet.

"she is a mere fox princess, tomboyish, nowhere close to the etiquette of a princess, yet she won the heart of dijun. what impudence!" she called to the entire hall of people.

so it was a jealous maiden.

"i'll tell you this, young lady," lixun said, focusing back on her again, "dijun has fallen in love a couple of times. you're not the first nor will you be the last."

fengjiu froze.

" you're the only one, jiu'er"
"no one else"
"you're my first, last and only love"

so everything was a lie.

her furious, humiliated and sad eyes scanned the room and found him.

his eyes which were usually blank, were filled with horror. he hadn't even stood up to protect her.

fengjiu knew, she shouldn't believe jealous girls like lixun. but with the reaction she received from dijun, she was tempted to believe.

she glared at him, one final time, before running out of the hall, away from the laughing immortals.

she knew and now she believed. nothing would ever go right with immortals.

this was not a good visit.

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