Birthday Present

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"Aunt, it's Dijun's birthday soon. I want to plan a celebration for him. What do you think?"

"Good idea, good idea. But you know he doesn't like noisy places. Celebrations are always noisy." Her aunt replied.

"I'm sure he'll make an exception. It's his birthday !"

"Well okay if you insist."
It was always hard to hide anything from Dijun. He already knew Feng Jiu was planning a birthday celebration for him. But... somehow he didn't mind even when he knew it would be noisy, celebrating a great God's birthday. If it was his wife's plan, then he would go with it.

As for feng Jiu, she planned happily without an inkling of knowledge that her husband knew of it. She intended to surprise him but she never dreamt that he already knew.

And anyhow, if it went along to Dijun's own plan, it would not only be his day. It would be hers too.

The celebration would take place in the small palace where Dijun reigned as king during his mortal realm, and where Feng Jiu finally had her wish granted, to have a love with him.

And before long that day arrived.

Feng Jiu whizzed around confirming last minute details and she was terrifically excited. It was her husband's day and she wanted to make sure it was the best day of his long life.

She led him through to the small palace.

Dijun walked in pretending nothing was going on around him. Feng Jiu was confused. Was he not surprised?

"I already knew." Dijun said softly.

Feng Jiu's blood ran cold. He already knew? Why didn't he tell her?

But Dijun grabbed her hand and whisked her to the King's sleeping chamber.

"I don't need any celebration, Jiu'er." He whispered. "Nor do I need presents."

"Then you need?" Feng Jiu's voice shook.

"What I need," he said as he stared into her eyes, "is you."

Idea by Anneetjie

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