He didn't let me go until my body stopped shaking. The crazy blubbering and hick ups weren't exactly awesome, but he didn't seem to mind it. "You know I was actually worried that you wouldn't want me around."
I lifted my head from the back of the seat to look at his profile. "Why?" His eyes looked forward, but were reaching farther than the bounds of the train.
He sighed heavily as if the weight of his own words were crushing him. "You've lived the majority of your life, human wise, without parental assistance. I doubt you really need me anymore, especially now that you're married."
A small smile graced my lips as I saw how concerned he really was. "I'll always need parental guidance. That'll never change. Besides, I don't know much about being part of a close family, so I was hoping that you, me, Salazum, Jade and the Goldsteins' could figure it out together." I wasn't saying this just to make him feel better, I meant this and I hope that he could tell by my voice.
He returned my smile with a sad twinge to it. "You do remember that you are a Goldstein now too. I'm pretty sure that being you dropped the Holland last name, you'd pick up the Goldstein one."
I jokingly narrowed my eyes at him. He's not thinking that I abandoned the name because I didn't want to be associated with him, is he? "Both of us dropped the Holland name you know." I remarked teasingly.
He shrugged innocently and it lit up his eyes as the mood turned playfully. "Fair enough." We lapsed into silence once more until Randolph glanced towards the door. "How long is he going to keep us locked in here?"
I chuckled softly, glancing down his line of sight. "It probably depends on his mood. One of the reasons why I love Klaus is because I couldn't figure him out. He's still surprising me to this day."  I surprised myself with being so open with Randolph after everything, but I wonder why we never did this before.
A happy smile spread on Randolph's face. "I'm sure he'd be happy to hear that." Knowing Klaus, he would.
I laughed out right. "Oh he probably would, but that's why I'm not going to tell him."
Amusement and curiosity shown on my father's face. He doesn't understand my reasoning? "Why are you two so rude to each other?" We're not rude, we just joke around a lot. It keeps us both grounded.
"You know how Klaus is. If I tell him something like that, his head swells up faster than air pressure in a hot can." Randolph laughed as Klaus came into view outside of the door as if on cue. Speaking of the incredibly handsome devil.
Upon seeing the light mood he unlocked the door and walked in. "Have you two figured out where you stand?" Always the crafty Blondie.
"Yes, though I don't appreciate being locked up in a compartment." I scolded giving him a glare, pretending to be angry with him.
He sat beside me, not bothered by my expression as he kept his serious demeanor. "You brought it on yourself. You have a habit of running when confronted with an uncomfortable situation."
Hey! "I do not!" I replied quickly as he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close to him. That's not true...is it?
"Really. What did you do when we ended up as buddies?"
I looked up at him not bothering to hide my incredulous look. "You walked away too."
Did he forget about that? Then again it does seem like it was a lifetime ago. No pun intended. "Okay then, how about when you found that unicorn? Or after our confrontation at the Goldstein Manor? There was also the first time I kissed you…."
Shush it already! I get it! I get it! "Alright, alright!" I said hurriedly to him off from continuing. I was halfway tempted to cover his mouth to stop him. "In my defense, that was when I was trying to keep people from getting too close to me."
"Which didn't work." Klaus jumped in. Yes, I know that, thanks for the input.
Randolph just watched us, seemingly enjoying the show. Why is he so quiet? Can't he take my side? "Yeah, shush." I mumbled irritably.
A smile finally broke out on Klaus's lips before he kissed me on the forehead. "You know that that's not my style." I do know that. I still don't want to admit it though.
I chuckled despite my best intentions before leaving to rest my head on his shoulder. The warmth from earlier quickly returned, blanketing me in safety. "You know, you two balance each other out perfectly."
I smirked as I watched a range of emotions cross over Randolph's usually happy face. "What's wrong?" Why does it seem like there is more he wanted to say, but couldn't find the right phrase?
He quickly wiped the frown off his face. "Nothing. Nothing of course. Though, now that your mind is at ease, I'm going to let you both enjoy your time together. It seems almost cruel that after everything you two had to go through together, that you were robbed of your honeymoon. I fear that this is going to be a long process and your time may be spent apart for a while." I felt his hand gently rest on the top of my head. "I love you kiddo."
"I love you too Dad." I replied quickly earning a kind but pain filled smile before he left. Something is up. Did what I spoke to him about earlier make more worries then it settled? I watched the door for a few seconds as I noticed Klaus eyeing me curiously. "Did he seem weird to you?"
"Kayle?" My eyes closed at the soft tingling on my cheek as Klaus's finger slid down under my chin and lifted my head towards him. "I assume that he's having a hard time adjusting to you being married. You were his little girl the last time he saw you and suddenly you're a grown capable woman with a husband."
A sigh flew out of my nose softly. That doesn't seem like it though. "Maybe."
His finger let go of my chin and his arms moved around my waist, pulling me close to him. His way of  trying to protect me from my own guilt, I assume. "A handsome husband, who's talented."
Wait what? Where'd that come from? Why is he starting this? Does he want to start our back and forth? "Oh Klaus, don't do that. Your head is going to explode." I teased smirking. Dwelling isn't going to do anything but cause more pain. For now, I just want to enjoy my time with Klaus before everything gets complicated again.
He chuckled seeming to understand how I felt and moved me back until I laid against the seat and he hung over me. "It's true though." He whispered back playfully, his eyes practically sparkling.
I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely, but effectively pulling him closer to me. "Is it?"
He tried to appear offended but couldn't quite get his face to drop the grin. "It is." His hand brushed my hair back from my face. "But no matter what I look like or how powerful I am, I wasn't complete until you came into my life. When you died..."
I shook my head a little. No, we shouldn't talk about that anymore. I don't want to. "Don't do that Klaus. It's over. That part of our lives are over."
I felt him press his fingers to my lips to keep me from talking. Evidently he has something to add that he needs to say. "Everything I had. Everything that I thought made me who I was, I would have given it all up without hesitation just to bring you back." He looked so earnest that it made my heart skip. Since when did he become a romantic? "Now I'm glad that I didn't have to..." And there it is. I knew it was coming. It was just a matter of time.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Did he do that on purpose? "You ruined the moment."
His eyes turned mischievous. He did. Of course he did. "Pay back for all the times you ruined it."
I held back the laugh that nearly escaped. "What are you, five years old?"
Geez, that's why he did that? I was just starting to enjoy his romantic side. "Speaking of five years old... I have been imagining what we'd look like together as one person but smaller..."
I think my brain stopped. "Wait what? Klaus, you don't mean...?" My voice kept going softer until it couldn't be heard anymore. I'm actually scared about what his answer was. He smiled at my shock. Oh, no, he was being serious. "We just got married and you're thinking about kids?"
He didn't seem to be put off by my question, he just found it humorous. "To be honest, I've been thinking about what our kids would look like for a while. I wouldn't have married you if I didn't see a future with you." He mentioned sounding like he was talking a bit deeper than he usually did. "Would she have your eyes? If so, would they be unicorn red or your human honey? Maybe she'd have my blond hair or white like her mother."
I feel like his want for a child is solely one sided in the way of wanting a girl, but if we did have kids, what if we had a boy instead? "You're assuming we'd have a girl if we had kids?" I asked amused.
"I know we'd have a girl. She'd take her mother's features and have my personality..." Did he just decide what our future child was going to look and act like?
I couldn't help but laugh. "Why would you do that to an innocent child?"
He seemed startled at first, but his features soon melted into a wicked smiled. "Hey, I'm not that bad. I got the girl in the end. You married me." He shot back teasingly.
He's got a point. "Very true, I did." I paused for a moment, finally properly catching what he said. "Why did you say that like you had competition?"
He considered his words for a second. "You had enough guys surrounding you that any of them could have easily won your heart."
I rolled my eyes again. Like that was ever going to happen. "You're jealous over possibilities that never happened? What a dork!" I smirked as he huffed from my teasing. At least I didn't call you "Blondie" this time right? "If you had a hard time getting close to me, do you really think that someone else would’ve had a chance?"
Before he could reply, the train started to slow, informing us that we had reached our destination. "I don't want our time to end." Saying that he pulled back and helped me to sit up.
"Me either, but this is our stop and we have to go face the Ministry." Even saying that, I felt the crushing weight of unease.
I grabbed my bag and tossed the strap over my head, trying to hide how anxious I was as Klaus picked his bag up. "Kayle, don't let go of my hand, okay?"
He moved to grab it as he spoke.
I gave him a quick mod and moved to follow him out of the compartment.

Wizardess Heart And The Dark UnicornTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon