Haunted House

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Author's POV:

Three pairs of feet travel down a gravel path, Jack taking the lead of the two humans and cat. Whiskers rests comfortably in Y/N's arms, happy to take a break from walking upon the small rocks. Having grown tired of his company's slow pace, the Halloween Spirit halts his skipping to spin around and face his queen and mortal enemy while continuing to walk backwards towards their destination.

"Come on, come on! It's not much farther," he encourages to the tired duo, receiving groans in response.

"Jack, my legs are getting the shakes. How much longer until we get there?" Y/N whines as her legs tremble beneath her weight. It felt like they have been walking forever, and it didn't help that the hike took place uphill. Suddenly, her and Nathan stop upon noticing that their guide had disappeared into thin air before looking around for him in confusion.

"Where did he-" the teenage boy is abruptly cut short by a scream that sounds from the female standing beside him when she's scooped up by a pair of arms without warning.

"Boo!" Psychotic laughter follows, belonging to a certain blonde male, before he continues his way down the road with the girl in his hold. Jack purposely walks faster than the other boy joining their party. "It's just past these trees!"

"Hey, hang on! Don't leave me back here!" Nathan shouts in a panic as they get farther away before chasing after them. The black haired male feels almost scared as they get deeper and deeper into the woods. There won't be a person for miles, so, naturally, the thought of the spirit possibly murdering them popped into his head.

After all, he was trying to feed them tainted food. Who knows what this lunatic has planned? Eventually, a tall structure becomes apparent in the distance that's surrounded by a large, iron fence. The gate is locked by a chain, while decorating the twisted bars are signs that read "keep out". Twisted trees surround an ominous, dark mansion that looks so old and condemned that one could imagine a gust of wind blowing it over. E/C and brown eyes widen as they look over the hazardous home, speechless.

"Tada!" Jack proudly grins as he sets Y/N down on her feet, while Nathan stops behind them to catch his breath. His hands plant on his knees, while his back hunches over, the redness in his face fading little by little.

'How is he so fast?' Nathan gulps down his spit, his anxiety skyrocketing as he stares at the manor. He wished so badly for this to be a joke, but, clearly, Jack intends to go inside. Being the voice of reason, he says, "I don't think we should be here. This place looks very unsafe."

"Yeah, Jack, I don't know about this. The signs say no trespassing," Y/N adds, agreeing with her friend as she sets Whiskers on the ground. The feline purrs while rubbing against her legs before going over to Jack and doing the same.

"Oh, don't be such a scaredy cat. Who's gonna tell us not to? No one's even out here besides us! It'll be fuuuuunnn, I swear." The blonde nudges her side with his signature smile, causing her to laugh and shove the male back playfully. A knot forms in Nathan's stomach as Jack giggles, having a feeling that they will be going inside regardless of the obvious danger.

"All right, all right, but I blame you if I end up with tetanus." His brown eyes widen in disbelief, while their guide can't help but cheer out victoriously.

"Then, what're we waiting for, the funeral procession? Let's go in!" With the snap of his fingers, the lock and chain fall from the gate before the doors creek wide open to allow the group inside the property. An arm links with Y/N's before she's dragged towards the mansion doors with Whiskers following behind. Nathan lingers at the gate, watching them approach the house, but puts on a brave face before going after them with determination set in his brown eyes. He swore to protect his friend from this mischievous creature for the entire night. He wasn't about to back out now. Hopefully, this bad feeling will quell from his gut once the night is over.

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