A Prosperous Kingdom

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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     "Almost there! Hurry! Hurry!" Y/N giggled, following after Jack with a pounding heart, the feet of her family and friend struggling to stick close behind her as they made their way through the path up that eerie, old hill. It was much less creepy traveling it in the daylight, but the gravel road brought about a keen sense of familiarity, sending her back to that night last year, when he had swooped her up and carried her when her feet could not keep up. Now, she felt so much adrenaline coursing through her that she hardly struggled as much, though she was sure the spirit would've gladly picked her up if she had asked.

     At the sight of brilliant lights shining through the dark and twisted branches of the trees ahead, she swore her feet pushed to move faster all on their own as her hand tightened around the one that eagerly pulled her along with twice as much energy. It would soon be upon them, the park they had been planning nonstop for the past year. While Y/N had been reunited with her family, Jack had conjured it into existence. She wondered, would it be everything that they hoped? All that they dreamed? Would it boost the spirits of people near and far?

     She prayed so. She wanted this to work for him. It has to. Simply knowing they were moments from it was enough to bring tears to her eyes, and when, at last, they reached a pair of wrought iron gates, they were welcomed by the faces of jack-o-lanterns woven into the curled pieces of metal. The doors were open wide to allow all who wished to enter beyond, but Y/N found herself admiring it all without even stepping foot past it.

     Before her was nothing short of a wonderland, an amalgamation of all that made Halloween such a wonderful experience. The movement of rides were the first to catch her eye, for there were many of them scattered throughout the park, ranging from the most frightful rollercoasters for the brave-of-heart to slower more kid-friendly ones, such as a train that traveled the perimeter of the park and carousels. Each one held it's own theme of monsters, kitschy characters and other Halloween staples that would make one's head spin with wonder of which to go on first. Everything was so colorful, and it was a pleasing sight to find people of all ages proudly parading around in costumes. Not one was underdressed for the occasion.

     To the left and right extend a row of little shops selling various goods from spirited outfits and decor to yummy treats with delightfully delicious aromas which wafted out onto the cobblestone streets, decorated in pumpkins, fall flowers and all manner of spooky things. Children dressed as pirates, fairy princesses, monsters and favorite characters giggled happily as they admired the land of ghoulish delights, some being wary of the more scary decorations but still enjoying themselves in other aspects. Many a soul even dared their friends to go near the ones that jumped and shrieked with a cackling laugh.

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