Chapter 12 - Time to choose

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You, Draco and Harry couldn't say anything. All three of you just kept staring at Professor Snape who had suddenly stormed into the basement of the Malfoy Manor.

"I recommend you to move your arses if you wish to get out of here. Now!" Snape commanded demandingly.

"But what about (Y/n)?" Harry panicked. "She's chained up, we can't get her out!"

Snape sighed and waved his wand making the chains around your ankles and wrists click open. Harry's jaw dropped. Snape seemed to have known the right spell immediately while the boys had tried to get you out for half an hour without any result.

"Anything else? Or can we finally leave this shithole?" Snape asked with a more irritated tone in his voice.

"Excuse me, I happen to live in this 'shithole'!" Draco snapped.

"My condolences," Snape sneered. Draco rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile the guys were arguing with Snape you tried to get up. But as soon as you tried to walk your legs stopped working and you fell back on your knees. The stony floor felt cold and harsh against your skin.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Harry worried and rushed to help you.

"I'm okay... Just a little dizzy..." you answered. You took Harry's hand and tried to get up with his support but your legs were just too weak. All those spells that Bellatrix had used to torture you had weakened your body and you were also very dehydrated.

"Get out of the way Potter, you're not helping at all," Draco snarled and pushed Harry aside. Then Draco helped you to wrap your arms around his neck and lifted you up so he could carry you in his arms.

"I can do that, Malfoy, let go of her!" Harry insisted but Draco had no intention to let Harry do anything.

"Never! You're clearly incapable to take care of her, you have always been!" Draco raised his voice.

"Guys, calm down... We need to focus on getting out of here," you interrupted their bickering.

"You're right... I'm sorry (Y/n)," Draco apologised quietly and let a small smile on his face while looking into your eyes. Harry sighed but nodded in agreement.

"After you, Professor," Draco told Snape to lead the way. Snape cast Nox to turn off the light on his wand and headed towards the stairs. You had almost reached the top of the stairs when Snape suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" Harry asked whispering.

"Someone's coming down here," Snape managed to say before the door ahead of you burst open and Lucius Malfoy walked in accompanied by Bellatrix Lestrange. Lucius looked astonished to see his son in front of him while Bellatrix just looked crazy as usual, smiling like a maniac.

"Leaving already?" Bellatrix asked with the typical high-pitched voice of hers while pulling her wand out. "But you can't go yet, not when the fun is just about to begin!"

"Draco! What the hell are you doing here?!" You should be at Hogwarts!" Lucius yelled at Draco.

"And you should be working! But instead I find out that you are holding (Y/n) hostage! In my own house!" Draco answered to his father.

"I am working!" Lucius argued while pulling his wand out of his pocket. He pointed it towards Harry who also prepared to duel.

"Oh yeah? Funny that I never knew that they imprison and torture innocent people in the Ministry of Magic!" Draco objected.

"Yes Lucius, I would also very much like to know what kind of work you're doing nowadays," Snape intervened.

"You stay out of this Severus! I'm doing this for my family! And what are you even doing here?" Lucius asked. It seemed that he just now realized that Snape was also there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2019 ⏰

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