Chapter 8 - Can you trust a Malfoy?

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You didn't know who to believe. Draco seemed just as surprised and shocked as you were, but he could also be faking it. But why would Harry lie about something like this? You weren't sure, but something suspicious was definitely going on.  

"(Y/l/n), Potter, Weasley - out! Your detention is over. Malfoy, you stay here", you heard Snape commanding. Draco and Harry both grabbed your hand at the same time.

"Don't believe anything Potter tells you  (Y/n), he's lying", you heard Draco saying. You wanted to believe him, but you had to hear what Harry had to say too, before making any conclusions.

"I need to go now", you answered quietly and pulled your hand away. Draco seemed broken, but you weren't sure if it was because you had to leave or because his plan had been revealed.

You, Harry and Ron walked out of the classroom leaving Draco and Snape there. Harry, still holding your hand, led you towards Gryffindor common room. Ron was following right behind you. You realized you were headed towards the boys' dormitory.

"Hey, I can't go in there!" you opposed. Harry and Ron didn't seem to listen because they were already dragging you in.

"Fine... Don't blame me if someone sees us", you sighed. Luckily the whole common room seemed pretty quiet and the dormitory looked empty too. When you got in Harry finally started talking:

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked you again with worried expression.

"I'm fine, as you can see. Not even a scratch", you answered, being a bit frustrated. You just wanted an explanation.

"Well that's a relief. We were so worried!" Ron said.

"Yeah, I can see that, but why? What's all this fuss about Malfoys? you asked, eyeing Harry and Ron.

"Blaise Zabini told his friends some weird stuff today. We heard the whole conversation", Ron started to explain.

Flashback: Blaise's conversation with his friends

Harry and Ron were on their way to the next lesson when they heard some loud talking at the end of the hallway. It was Blaise Zabini and couple of other Slytherins. The discussion seemed interesting so Harry and Ron decided to stay and listen to them from a safe distance. They could clearly hear Blaise's voice while he was telling a story to his friends:

"Yeah, Draco owes me one. I can't believe he lied to Snape's face like that. Draco told Snape that I had stolen some girl's bra and left that on his bed!"

"What the hell? Why would he tell Snape something like that?" one of Blaise's friends asked.

"He had slept with some girl and almost got caught. Her name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n) or something like that", Blaise answered. That made Harry's blood boil. He almost rushed straight to them but Ron managed to stop him.

"I believe she's one of Lucius Malfoy's new projects", Blaise continued.

"What projects?" someone asked.

"Haven't you heard? Lucius makes Draco to be friends with or seduce people he wants to 'eliminate'. Draco makes them feel special and all that stuff so that they can easily be lured straight into a trap", Blaise explained. Harry's expression changed from angry to horrified when he realized what was going on.

"People Lucius wants to eliminate? Do you mean people like... mudbloods?" Blaise's friend asked.

"Yes, mainly mudbloods, but other people too. They are people who the Malfoys see as a threat", Blaise answered.

Harry turned to face Ron:
"Ron, this is bad! I've screwed up big time... I got so angry at (Y/n) although she's been nothing but a victim this whole time! She's in serious danger... We have to help her!" Harry explained agitatedly. 

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