Chapter 1 - "Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"

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Your fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was beginning. You sat at the (h/n) table, listening to Dumbledore's speech. Well, to be honest, you weren't actually listening. Your mind was racing, your heart was beating fast and you felt butterflies in your stomach.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" your friend suddenly asked.
"Y-yeah, of course, I just spaced out for a second," you answered.
"Okayy... You just look like you're worried.. Are you sure everything's okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry."

That was a lie. You didn't want to admit it, but you were nervous as hell. You were nervous, not because this was the first day of school, but because you were going to see your boyfriend after a long summer. The exact reason for your nervousness was that you weren't exactly sure if the things were going to work out for the two of you. This wouldn't be a problem if your boyfriend was just some normal guy. But he wasn't, actually he was everything but normal. To everyone else he was known as The Boy Who Lived. To you, he was just Harry, your sweet boyfriend. Everyone talked about Harry all the time and you were afraid that your relationship would cause him trouble. You had suggested keeping your relationship as a secret, but Harry didn't want to. He didn't want to hide his love and his feelings for you.

You and Harry met the last year in the Yule Ball. In the middle of everything your dance partner got sick and you were left alone. Harry saw you sitting alone and came to talk to you. Little by little you became friends. At first neither of you wanted to admit your true feelings for each other, but at the end of semester Harry asked you on a date. And that's how it all started. Harry was your first real boyfriend, first one you've ever actually loved. He was kind and sweet, but also really stubborn sometimes. But you didn't care about that, you loved everything about him and he treated you well. His friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were also really kind to you and you got along with them from the beginning.

After the meal you got up and started to walk to (h/n) common room with your friends, when suddenly someone grabbed your hand.
"Are you really this excited to meet your boyfriend after a long time? You didn't even come to say hello."

It was Harry. You were so nervous that you had totally forgotten that you were supposed to meet him in the Great Hall after the meal. You couldn't admit it, of course.

"Harry! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you anywhere and I thought..."

He interrupted you in the middle of the sentence with a kiss. It was passionate but at the same time calm.

"Uhh, guys get a room please," your friend said laughing. "(Y/n), I'll see you in the common room after you've finished with your Chosen One," she said with a smirk on her face and then left you two alone. You and Harry both laughed.

"I missed you so much Harry," you said and hugged him tight.

"I missed you too (y/n)," he answered.

However, your sweet little moment didn't last long when you heard a familiar voice behind you.

"Oh look, Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend!"

It was none other than Draco Malfoy himself. With a huge grin on his face and hands in his pockets he walked slowly towards you.

"And so what?" Harry answered arms crossed. He stood in front of you and was now facing Malfoy.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just wondering how a girl like her would ever want a loser like you, Potter," Malfoy said referring to you.

"Don't you dare to talk to him like that, Malfoy," you snapped and walked in front of him. He was much taller than you, so you had to look up. You were staring straight into his cold, grey eyes. He came closer and soon his face was just inches away from yours.

"Oh, and you got fire too," he said to you with a smirk on his face and then continued almost whispering: "I like fire."

You were now blushing. "Why does he make me react like this?! Ugh, I hate him..." you thought while trying to cover your red face. Harry was now facing Malfoy again, clearly angry because of his last comment.

"You can probably go now if you don't have anything else to say,"Harry said to him.

"Sure, I'll leave. But only if she wants me to!" Malfoy said and was now looking back to you.

What's that supposed to mean?" you asked irritably.

"Oh please. You should see your face, I can tell you're blushing despite your attempts to hide it," he said smirking. Harry was now furious, you could see that from his face.

"Get lost Malfoy!" he yelled. You were afraid Harry was going to attack Draco, so you grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Come on Harry, let's go. He's not worth it," you said to him. Harry hesitated for a moment, but then turned to you.

"Yeah, let's go."

You started to walk past Malfoy, Harry first and you right behind him. Just when you were passing Draco, he suddenly turned to you, winked at you and whispered: "See you later Miss (Y/l/n)."

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