Chapter 4 - It's time to explain, Mr. Malfoy

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"Shit!" Draco sighed and literally jumped out of bed leaving you laying there. He started to put his clothes back on, but then remembered that you had ripped the buttons of his shirt. He hid the shirt under his bed and then grabbed your shirt which was on the floor.

"I'm gonna borrow this since you destroyed my shirt", he said, put your shirt on, and started to button it.

"Excuse me, but what am I gonna wear then?! I can't just hang around here naked if someone's coming in! Besides I bet that shirt won't fit, you're way too tall", you argued while getting up.

"It's not like I'm complaining about the view", he answered smirking and winked at you. "Besides, this shirt fits just fine. Even though I am tall and in more ways than just one, thanks for pointing that out."

"Your pervertedness really knows no bounds!" you said rolling your eyes.

After saying that you heard some loud banging from the door. Someone really wanted to get in.

"What do we do now? you panicked.

"Quickly, go under the bed, I got this!" Draco told you while trying to brush his hair with his fingers. You thought he looked cute when his hair was all messed up. Surprisingly he actually managed to get your shirt on, even though you could clearly see that it was too tight.

"Seriously? Under the bed?" You couldn't believe you were really in a situation where you have to hid yourself under someone's bed.

"We're running out of time here, can't you just do what you're told for once in your life?!

"Fine, I'm going! Just try to act normal..."

"Seriously... Have I actually gotten myself into this situation?" you thought while quickly wrapping yourself in a blanket. You didn't have time to collect your clothes, and also Draco had your shirt on him. You just kicked the rest of your clothes under the bed before hiding yourself there.

"I thought you locked the door when we came here!" you whispered before crawling under the bed.

"I did!" he insisted.

"I meant with magic, you moron!"

"Well I kinda had something better to do, didn't I?"

"You did that fucking silencing spell but forgot to lock the door?! That was much more important than silencing, I wasn't even loud! Dickbrain..."

Draco didn't have time for counterargument when the door burst open. You couldn't see who the comer was, but you had a bad feeling about that. You heard a few steps as someone entered the room. Draco was completely silent and that was a bad sign. You knew you were doomed when the intruder finally started talking:

"Do you have any good explanation for you being here instead of enjoying dinner with your friends Mr. Malfoy?" That cold tone sent chills down your spine. Severus fricking Snape had almost cathed you having sex with Draco, who wasn't even your boyfriend.

"I - uh - I'm not feeling very well Professor, so I decided to come here and rest for a while", Draco explained. You could hear a slight panick in his voice and you really hoped that Snape wouldn't realize it.

"Your friends Messrs. Grabbe and Goyle were quite worried about you", Snape clarified. You should have known that those idiots were the ones behind this.

"And since when have you started to wear a bra Mr. Malfoy?" Snape asked curiously.

You could feel your cheeks turning red. You thought you had hidden all your clothes, but apparently your bra was left on Draco's bed. You were quietly facepalming in your hiding place.

"What bra, Professor?" you heard Draco asking. Now you wanted to double facepalm.

"That black lace bra on your bed Mr. Malfoy", Snape said with his normal cold tone. It was so unnatural and so embarrassing hearing him talking about your underwear.

"Oh, that... Yeah, that's a funny story actually. Blaise wanted to prank this girl he likes so he stole her bra and hid it here."

You had never heard a worse lie in your entire life. You swore in the name of Merlin that you would kill Draco yourself.

"So you're telling me that Mr. Zabini stole a bra from girls' dormitory to get his crush's attention?" Snape questioned. He was so not believing the bullshit Draco told him.

"Pretty much, yeah..." Draco answered hesitating. Draco knew his lie wouldn't bluff Snape but at least Snape didn't know you had been here with Draco.

"And that was a good idea because?" Snape interrogated.

"I never said it was a good idea!" Draco argued. "I didn't do anything!"

"I think Mr. Zabini is very well aware that boys are not allowed to go into the girls' dormitory", Snape continued playing along. You knew he wouldn't believe any of Draco's lies but he obviously enjoyed roasting Draco.

"Wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know that", Draco answered sarcastically.

"Well, I'm sure you'll enlighten him as a good friend of his", Snape told.

"Of course, Professor."

After Draco's answer you heard Professor's steps as he left the room and closed the door behind him. You were surprised Snape had given up that easily. Somehow you had a feeling that the problems were still ahead. At least with Harry...

"Snape left, you can come out now", Draco said. I crawled from my hiding place and placed the rest of my clothes on his bed. Then I started yelling at him:

"What the hell was that?! Blaise stole a bra? Really?"

"Don't you dare yell at me, I just saved your ass from eternal detention with Snape!"

"I wouldn't be so sure about that... You don't actually think he believed you?"

"Oh, I think I do. He's my head of house and I'm his favourite student, of course he believed me", Draco answered proudly.

"You're a stubborn ass, Draco do you know that?"

"And yet you're still here, aren't you (Y/n)?"

The reality hit you like a ton of bricks. You had just cheated on Harry with his enemy and almost got caught by Professor Snape who Harry also hates. You had no idea what to do next, except you had to get out of Draco's dormitory.

"I need my shirt, now", you commanded while starting to put rest of your clothes back on.

"You're leaving already? I was kinda hoping for round two..." Draco said with an evil grin on his face. He walked to you and brought his hands on your hips while standing behind you. You squirmed under his touch, he always had that effect on you. As hard as it was, you pushed him away:

"The shirt, Draco." Silently he started to unbutton the shirt and gave it back to you. You were starting to button it, but he did it for you. After that he looked into your eyes and moved a strand of hair behind your ear.

"See you later, Ms. (Y/l/n)", he said and sat on his bed. You just stood there for a moment, hesitating if you should stay or go. After a moment, without saying a single word, you decided to leave.

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