Chapter 5 - Regret

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Couple of days had passed since your little tricky situation with Draco. You hadn't seen him outside the lessons after that and you weren't quite sure if you were happy about it or not. You knew you should be happy about it, you knew you should stay as far away from Draco as possible and concentrate on Harry instead, but you just couldn't stop thinking about your meeting with him.

You hadn't seen Harry either during these past couple of days. He had been really busy with his Quidditch practice. Good for you, because now you had time to think things through. 

The feeling you had with Draco was so  different than the feeling with Harry. You had always felt safe with Harry and that was great, you loved it. But with Draco... You didn't know him as well as you knew Harry, but that was just a part of his charm. Draco was mysterious. He was a bad boy, that type of guy you had always been warned of. You got this certain feeling of danger when you were with him, and even though you didn't want to admit it, you loved it as much as you loved the feeling of safety with Harry. Your friends had always told you that you and Harry were a perfect couple. Your family also seemed to like Harry, even though they had just briefly met him at King's Cross Station before holiday. Harry was clearly boyfriend material, he was good and wise choice, at least that's what everyone else thought.

You really needed someone to talk to right now, so you decided to meet with your friend (Y/f/n). You weren't sure what to tell her, but you knew you couldn't keep all this to yourself. You went to the library where you guys were supposed to meet. She was sitting at one of the tables, looking happy as always.

"Hey (Y/n)! What's up?" she asked smiling.

"Hi (Y/f/n). I'm good... I guess.." you answered. How could you ever break the news to her?

"Okay (Y/n), I know you, and you're definitely not good. What's up, like really?" She always read you like an open book.
"Oh boy, where do I even start..."

"Just start somewhere, now tell me!"

"Well, umm... There's been.. Uh - I mean something happened with Harry. Well, not exactly with Harry, but uhm.." you started to explain but ended up mumbling some nonsense.

"Omg (Y/n), don't tell me he cheated on you! If he did, I swear I'm gonna kill him with my own hands and cut off his dic...!"

"No (Y/f/n)! No, it's nothing like that... Actually, it's the other way around..."

Your friend's jaw dropped immediately:  "OMG (Y/N)! YOU CHEATED ON HIM??"   

"Could you yell any more louder?! He doesn't know yet, and I would appreciate that I could at least have a chance to tell him myself", you tried to calm her down.

"Well I'm sorry, but you kinda just dropped a bomb on me! I thought things were going great with Harry."

"They are! I think... It just happened... I don't know how to explain it. You don't even know how guilty I feel..."

"Who was it?" she asked. This was the question you had been afraid of.


"Really (Y/n)?  Ugh, fine. Hmm... Dean Thomas?" she guessed.

"What? Why do you think it was Dean Thomas?"

"You told me to guess and that's my guess! Well, if it's not him... Oh no, don't tell me it was Ron!"

"NO! What the fuck (Y/f/n)?!" You were now yelling at her. That would be even worse, Ron was Harry's best friend. And you couldn't understand why your friend only guessed people who were friends and in the same house with Harry.

"Just tell me then, I can't guess!"

"Okay! It was Draco..."

"MALFOY?" your friend shouted. You were sure everyone in the library heard that. You tried to silence her, but it was too late.

"What about me?" you heard a familiar voice behind your back. It was Draco Malfoy, the last person you wanted to see right now. You could only hope that he hadn't heard your whole conversation.

"Speaking of the devil..." your friend whispered. You pinched her arm to shut her up.

"Well, are you gonna tell me or not? What were you talking about?" Draco continued interrogating.

"None of your business", you answered while turning around to face him.

"You know, I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on", he said with a slight  grin on his face. Your friend looked like she was either going to burst out laughing or crying.

"This is not the time for pervy jokes Draco! Could you please just leave us now? We're having a girl talk" you whispered. You were pretty sure someone would soon kick you out of the library if you couldn't keep it quiet.

"Don't pretend you don't like my jokes", Draco continued teasing. Then he leaned forward and whispered to your ear: "We're not done yet." After saying that he finally left without saying another word.

"You're so screwed (Y/n)", your friend stated.

"I'm well aware, thank you very much!" you answered sarcastically.

"Okay, I mean seriously, you NEED to have a talk with Harry, and as soon as possible. If you don't tell him, Malfoy will, that's for sure. He is probably already telling everyone how he stole Chosen One's girl..."

"That's not helping (Y/f/n)!" you snapped. You didn't even want to imagine that. Draco proudly telling how he seduced you...

"I thought you hated him! Like sure, he's hot and all that, but he's also an asshole. And Harry's enemy!"

You weren't sure what to say. You had always thought that you hated Draco, because Harry did and basically everyone except his friends. But now you weren't so sure anymore. You couldn't say that you hated him, if you truly did you hadn't ended up in this situation. He could be a pain in the ass, but you knew there was more to him. You had already seen a bit of the other side of him and you were curious to learn more about him. You still loved Harry though, and some part of you would always love him. But now you were confused if you loved him as a boyfriend or more like as a friend.             

Timeskip: Dinner in the Great Hall

You had promised to have a dinner with Harry. You had planned to talk with him after the dinner, so you could talk somewhere in private. You and (Y/f/n) walked towards the table where Harry was already sitting with Ron and Neville Longbottom. He didn't look too happy which made you quite worried.

"Hi Harry! What's up?" you asked when you reached the table. Ron and Neville both turned to look at you but didn't say anything. Harry just stared at his plate with no expression. You noticed there was a tear rolling down his cheek. You sat down and took his hand in yours, but he pulled it away.

"Harry, what's wrong?" you asked quietly. He now slowly lifted his head to look at you.

"Is it true (Y/n)? Did you sleep with Malfoy?"   

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