Chapter 146

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I need time to think about what I just heard. I head back to the waiting room and search the internet. Oh, hey, I got verified, but I don't feel like celebrating much.
My phone rings again. "Hello?"
"Courtney, what's going on?"
"Taylor, look, I really can't talk now. I'm sorry."
I hear Taylor use a naughty word and beat his fist on he wall.
"Don't you do this Courtney. Don't shut me out. Don't shut us all out."
"Taylor, I really gotta go. I'll call you to tonight. Okay?"
"Whatever." He mutters and hangs up.
I roll my eyes and Cameron's standing there.
"Are you okay?"
"You sure?"
He sighs and walks over to me and sits across from me. He takes my hands and rubs circles on my thumbs. "Courtney, you can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"Please, please. Please don't shut me out."
He looks genuinely concerned and that's when I lose it. "I still self-harm." I slap my hand over my mouth and look away fast not wanting to see the look on his face.
"What?" He asks calmly.
I say nothing.
"What?" he asks again.
"I have. Since that incident."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Your weren't always there."
"I'm so sorry." He says looking into my eyes. "I've been a bad friend. Not aware of what you're going through. But why?"
"Well, I lost you. I got pregnant at eighteen, the bad blood between me and my family, and when I found out Taylor was cheating on me that was just icing on the cake." I say looking down at my lap.
"I'm so sorry." He grab my arm and lifts up my Hollister sweatshirt sleeve. "Courtney!" He whispers. "These are deep."
I shake my head as tears start to fall from my face. "Please, don't do this to yourself. You're beautiful." He stares into my eyes. "Let's go home." He says standing up and taking my hand. You need sleep." I stay sitting down and he carries me bridal style to the car.

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