Chapter 64

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At 5 o'clock I finally fell asleep and Cameron comes in very quietly not to wake me. I look up at him and he says, "Hi beautiful. How are you?"


"That bad?"

"Uh huh. My stomachs cramping really bad at my head is spinning, I've thrown up twice today, I feel like Crap. I look like it too."

"You could wear literal crap and you'd still look gorgeous."


"I brought you some crackers."

"Thanks. Can you put them on the table?"

"Yeah. I'll let you get back to sleep."



After a while I hear the door open and Cameron steps in. I acknowledge him so he knows I'm awake. "Hey."

"Feeling better?"

"Kind of."

"Good. I have a water for you and a hot rag along with an aspirin for your head ache and a pillow for your neck."

"Thanks babe."

"No problem. I'll sleep in my bed so you can sleep here. Lexi moved out."

"Oh." I'm honestly happy she did. "Good night babe. Thanks for taking care of me."

"No problem. In sickness and in health."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Good night." He walks out and closes the door and I fall back to sleep."

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