Chapter 25

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The Generation of Miracles Reincarnated

Chapter 25

Momoi was just about to throw the ball up when the gym doors flew open.

"Phewf! We're not too late!" a certain bespectacled senior sighed. Aomine stared at the intruder and grumbled. More people came through the doors.

"E-eeeeeeeeh? AKASHICCHI? What's our seniors doing here?!" Kise yelled.

Akashi scoffed. "You wouldn't think that our seniors would be ignored, would you? I've arranged for seniors from all of our schools to come here to watch this game, which will be our last game between us and another party until the Olympics."

Currently, the Generation of Miracles were sitting on the bench along with Mayuzumi, as they had put their second team forward to test out the opponent's skills. Unfortunately for Kuroko and Kagami, they had no year three seniors. When the never-ending stream of humans continued, some stared at the young captain weirdly.

"Oh, I invited the school's second and third string's seniors too. You can't leave their hard work out. Unfortunately, Rakuzan has many seniors. Please be patient," Akashi informed. There was an awkward silence that passed through the stadium while they waited. Sensing the awkwardness, the visitors quickly hurried to any empty seats seen.

When they were all settled down, Momoi cleared her voice to continue with the game. As the ball flew up high, Kagami and Harasawa (Tōō's coach) jumped for the tip off. Of course, the dude-with-the-amazing-flea-power whacked the ball to their point guard, Nijimura. Giving a small thumbs-up, he quickly dribbled the ball over to their hoops and was about to make a drive through a defender. When he realised he had lost the ball.


"Knew it. Fast break!" Shirogane (Eiji) yelled to his teammates. As instructed, they did a fast break back only for Kagami to mark Shirogane.

"Damn! If only Kuroko was on the court he would have back-tipped the ball! Never mind, I can't rely on him here." With that, he tried to snatch the ball only for Shirogane to do a crossover behind his back to the other hand on continue on his drive. "Shit!"

There was a second defender, namely Nebuya, who marked him. With a quick pass, Kagetora received the ball. It was almost perfect timing as Kagami whacked the ball from the shooting guard's hands before he could launch it.

Kotarō smirked as he dribbled to the other side once again with his lightning fast dribbling skills. He threw it over to Mibuchi, who did a normal three-pointer since he was free of marks.

Grumbling, they heard some of the old geezers say, "Man! How long has it been since we played together! This is so not fair…"

Then Nakatani (Shūtoku's coach) asked Shirogane, "Captain, can we go full on out?" With a small smirk, he nodded. Nakatani then did a hand signal to his other teammates. He received nods too.

"Fast break! Don't worry, we'll get those points back!" Shirogane yelled. Nijimura tried to block him from crossing to their side but he was shocked as the used-to-be point guard had a stronger drive than him.

The point difference was just getting bigger and bigger slowly but surely. All of the coaches were really working together unbelievably well, ignoring the many years not spent playing together.

By the end of the first quarter, it was already an eight-point difference with 28-20. As the teams walked to the bench, they were all grinding their teeth at the unbelievable score.

"I see that you are still having that mindset of 'we can win no matter what'. Did losing in the Winter Cup dull your brains? You are not giving your all. Atsushi, you're up next. Member change with Nebuya," Akashi ordered. This earned a loud yelp from the Muscle Gorilla.

They had discussed a few plans of what to do in which situation while their own while Momoi piped up about possible advances made by 'the old geezers' after witnessing their performance. After two minutes, the referee sounded the whistle for them to head back onto the court.

Seeing the change of members from the opposing team, they were not surprised, as Araki had already predicted that this would happen. As usual, Harasawa had commended her for her accurate predictions, earning a sigh at the old bachelor, still as flirtatious as ever.

As the games resumed, it was with no doubt that getting for points for the coaches was harder. Even though only a second year, the purple haired giant were taller than them at the height of 208cm.

"Our usual strategy isn't working! Plan B!" Shirogane yelled. As the redhead seated on the bench folded his arms while watching the match, he felt frustrated that his Rakuzan coach acted just like him. Being a point guard and captain too, with amazing observation abilities, really irked him. Their strategies were mostly the same too, and thus the ranting of their coach that Akashi could practically be their next coach anytime.

The people on the stands were shouting with glee as the quite fast-paced game as the other team had resorted to something similar to Seirin's run-and-gun style but they were standing closer to each other to facilitate passing. Furthermore, they were not as predictable as Seirin was. Fast-paced it was, all except for a certain giant, just standing under the hoop, not even moving much save when the ball came over to his side.

"Akashi-kun," a voice piped up beside him. Without needing to look, he could already recognize the bluenette's voice. "Do you require either Mayuzumi-kun or me to be subbed in?"

Akashi thought about that. Truth be told, he knew that with this team, they would already win, considering the other side did not have as much stamina and also because Murasakibara was preventing most of the shots from making it through while his own team scored as normal. However, the point of this game was to show that they were capable enough to beat national teams from other countries.

Nodding his head, he asked for a member change the moment the ball went out. "Chihiro, you are out. Hayama, you're on the bench now." With a sad frown, Kotarō did as he was told.

Meanwhile, Kuroko requested, "Akashi-kun, in the next half, could you play with me? I want to try something out. I've been working on it ever since the camp and I want to show it to you."

A satisfied smirked formed on the redhead's lips.

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