Chapter 24

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The Generation of Miracles Reincarnated

Chapter 24

Everyone had practically crawled back to their own houses in their respective prefecturals. After that torturous training of hell by Akashicchi and Shirogane-kantoku, everyone had to rest for a whole day after that training before they were able to walk properly. At least Akashicchi had the heart to let them stay for a day more.

School had started once again, sadly, and Kise had more photo shootings to do. Even more sadly, Akashicchi had also increased their training regiments by quite a lot. The Olympics would start in mid-July. It seemed like every four years, the Olympics would get earlier and earlier. Thus, they would be in their second year of high school when they participated in the Games.

Which also meant that some of the sempais would graduate. Sighing sadly, Kise boarded a bus from the train station to the gymnasium, as it was once again another Friday. Akashicchi had refused to tell them which school they would face today, which made Kise a little suspicious.

He was once again one of the earliest few considering he had asked his school permission to leave early on Fridays. Midorimacchi was in the locker rooms with Aomionecchi and Kagamicchi. And where was Kuro—

"Hello, Kise-kun," a voice greeted. Kise jumped.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise immediately spun around to grab the phantom but the teal-haired teen moved aside, allowing Kise to bang into someone else. Someone else shorter than him but taller than the said blue-haired teen. He looked down only to meet irritated red orbs that were not from the other redhead in the room changing.

Kise was already preparing to write a note to his parents and siblings to say sorry that he had died early, but surprisingly, the captain sighed and just pushed Kise out of the way. His Rakuzan team followed along behind along with Murasakibaracchi and Nijimuracchi.

Akashicchi walked to the middle of the room and cleared his throat to gain some attention. More like everyone's attention but whatever. "Today, we will only have time for basic warm-ups before our game starts. After that, we are going to review each of your strengths and weaknesses," he announced.

Kise asked, "Eh? Akashicchi, which school are we gonna play against today?" Akashicchi smirked and for the second time of that day, he thought he was going to die. Akashicchi smiling (smirking or anything other than that poker face) meant imminent death for anyone. The only person who did not mine was actually Kurokocchi and that was quite expected, considering that they had lived together for a while when Kurokocchi broke his wrist.

Anyway, Akashicchi continued, "Good question, Ryōta." Kise released a sigh of relief. "Today, we are going to play against Japan's previous national team. As some of you may already know, most of them are your school's current coaches. They will be arriving here in half an hour. If we fail to beat them, we will not be suited to play in the Games. During past games that Japan had participated in, we have never gotten a position very high. Thus, if we lose this game, we might as well not participate at all.

"They are your coaches, so they know most of your abilities. However, humans do grow, so I hope you will improve yourself as much as you can during this game. The team consists of Kagetora-san, Takeuchi-kantoku, Nakatani-kantoku, Harasawa-kantoku and Shirogane-kantoku. Their manager is Araki-kantoku."

Kise searched his memory for the said names and realised that one of them is his current Kaijō coach. HIS KAIJŌ COACH! The man who was a plump as a balloon! Wait, scrap that, that's too small. More like a… pig? Heheh. Kise sputtered, "E-eh? Akashicchi, Takenuchi-kantoku is so fat! How's he gonna play?"

Everyone resisted the urge to laugh but a sharp glare from the redhead made them all shut up. "Do not underestimate them. I am personally not sure if how he would be playing but he did not make it to the national team for nothing," Akashicchi said. "Enough talking. Let's go warm up."

In the middle of their stretches, the door to the gymnasium opened to reveal five men (including one fat one) and a woman. Everyone greeted their respective coaches.

A white haired coach, who Kise recognized as the Rakuzan coach, instructed, "Continue your training. We have to prepare too." Thus, they continued their trainings and such. When they came back out, they went to prepare for the match themselves.

Kise glanced at his coach to see his round belly poking out of his basketball jersey. It looked similar to their current ones just that theirs were red and white. Seeing his belly flopping about while he ran was really hilarious and Kise had stopped dribbling his ball to cover his mouth.

He received a hard whack from Midorimacchi who frowned at him and said, "Kise. Your coach was known for his defense. Do not look down on them." Kise though about it and instead burst up laughing.

He received glares from various people, most of which had heard what Midorimacchi had said and knew what Kise was thinking. Kise tried to explain to the perplexed greenhead while laughing, "Hah… Maybe he uses his *laughs* large body width to *laughs* block the opponent!" With that, he continued to laugh. Big mistake to say that loudly.

Glares were directed to him, burning holes into his back. Kise gulped especially when he felt a demonic aura that was for once in his life not from his feared captain. Well, it was really worse than that, considering it came from his COACH who could torture him everyday and they were now their opponents!

To break the tension, Akashicchi fortunately (or unfortunately) cleared his throat and announced, "Alright. Let's start the game now."

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