Chapter 15

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The Generation of Miracles Reincarnated

Chapter 15

As the members of the Olympic team were going to start their warm-ups in the large stadium on a Friday afternoon, the doors to the stadium swung open forcefully.


Akashi raised his eyebrows.

"I mean Akashi! Why did you just inform me to come here like FIVE MINUTES AGO?" a very familiar redhead exploded. Behind him were four other panting people.

"Mm? I arranged it so that you all would be here at the same time," Akashi replied.

"Ahh! This is just like our Sei-chan!" Mibuchi Reo panted. Focusing on the players, one could see the ace of Seirin High, Kagami Taiga, the three Uncrowned Kings from Rakuzan High and a very familiar face only to the members from Teiko.

"E-eh?! Nijimuracchi!" Kise yelled, waving his hands wildly at Teiko's former captain before Akashi. Kise did not know the dark-haired male well as he had passed over his captaincy to Akashi when Kise had just joined.

"Hey, long time no see, juniors!" Nijimura greeted, hands on his knees as he panted.

"Akashi-kun! Weren't there supposed to be six other members?" Momoi, observant as always, asked while the others greeted the new members of the team.

Kuroko, who was reading a book that he brought, raised his head up to see the new members. "Ah, Mayuzumi-san, long time no see," the teal-haired player greeted. That earned a lot of exclamations form the group, some including his existing teammates.

"Kuroko-sempai," Rakuzan's phantom man greeted.

"Sempai?" Kuroko repeated.

Mayuzumi nodded, both ignoring the gasps and accusations of scaring them to death, which was a normal occurrence to the two phantoms. "You beat me in the Winter Cup. I still have a lot to learn," Mayuzumi explained. He had been so arrogant during the Winter Cup that he could beat the old phantom, seeing as he could shoot normal shots and had more stamina. However, Kuroko had surpassed him by overwriting his invisibility.

"Ah! New members! Just in time for training!" Shirogane cheered. The Generation of Miracles all shuddered at his inconspicuous threat.

Akashi also announced, "Today there will be no practice match with another school. We shall have a practice match between our reserves and our main team, five-on-six." Everyone jaw dropped. No wonder Akashi did not text them their opponent the previous day.

Shirogane clapped his hands together. "But first, we have our warm-ups! One hundred laps around the court, one hundred lunges, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred…" he ranted on and on.

"Akashiiii! That's worse than your training!" Hayama Kotarō yelled in exasperation. An object with red handles and two shiny blades snapped in front of Hayama. "Eek!" he flinched back. The rest just sweat-dropped.

"I told you not to give Akashicchi your scissors, Midorimacchi!" Kise complained, this time wary to say it softly so that the redhead would not hear him.

"Okay! Enough talk! Go run your laps!" Shirogane ordered. "Momoi, please time each of them." Sighing as they went, the new Olympic team started their run with a slow jog.

"Man! I thought we'd get a welcome party!" the muscle gorilla of Rakuzan, Nebuya Eikichi, grumbled. He received a pat on the back from Aomine. The new members would not get their jerseys until a later date.

Kuroko sat on the bench, mid watching them run and mid reading his book. It was a book he had found at the school's library during recess about physics. When his wrist heals, he would want to work on this new idea straight away. So far, the book was of no help at all.

Shirogane peeked at Kuroko's book. "Oh? Why are you reading this? I thought you preferred to read literature works," he observed.

Kuroko nodded. "Yes, but I wanted to work on a new technique once my wrist heals." Shirogane raised an eyebrow but did not ask further as the teal-haired boy continued with his book.

Watching the other eleven members run, he noticed that his existing members were doing fine, the new members including Nijimura were lagging slightly. He made a mental note to increase his new members' training regiment.

Meanwhile, Momoi passed the coach information on every player. "Interesting…" he thought as he read through the pages. It seemed like every single on of the players all had a special ability. This time, there would even be two phantoms!

After what seemed like hours of torture to the running members, they collapsed on the court heaving and panting. "Oh, my, gosh! Sei-chan!" Mibuchi Reo tried to complain but he was panting too hard to even continue.

Kagami Taiga looked ready to kill the coach but he was too tired to even move an inch. Then they heard the coach laugh heartily. "Ahahahaha! It seems like our new members need more stamina training! I'll add that to tomorrow's list then! Five minutes to rest and up for the next warm-up!" Nebuya almost cursed at that but received a glare from Akashi, which made him stop.

The training went on for a few torturing hours. When they were finally finished, everyone just did not have the energy to even talk. Momoi had given them five bottles of water each and most had finished them all. Fortunately, Shirogane allowed them to have a half-an-hour break before their match in which Kuroko went around giving out towels.

None of them had even bothered to move for the whole half an hour.

Meanwhile, Shirogane had set up the other court for their game later since the court that they were lying on would be covered in sweat. He shouted for them to get up. Everyone groaned in protest but did as they were told, for fear of their captain or coach increasing their training.

Shirogane announced, "Fifteen minutes to discuss strategies. Momoi will pass you information on members of the other team. Go to the locker rooms and be out in fifteen minutes." They did as they were told after they got some papers on the other team's members form Momoi.

Akashi would be captain of the team of five while Nijimura was voted (since he was former captain of Teikō) to be captain of the other team. The match was going to begin.

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