Chapter 23

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The Generation of Miracles Reincarnated

Chapter 23

It was six in the morning when everyone gathered in the living room of the Akashi mansion. "Today, we are going to play a game. Shirogane-kantoku has gone ahead up the mountain with Satsuki who is going to hide some items in different areas of the mountain. There should not be many people on the mountain today so we may conduct this activity without much commotion," Akashi explained.

He continued, "The items are table tennis balls which are orange and they can be found anywhere. Break up into groups of three and the team that has collected the most number of balls at six in the evening wins. We will meet in the shrine at the top of the mountain at six. The winning team will have their normal training the next day, but the losing teams will have their training regiments multiplied by their position.

Everyone visibly gulped but nodded nonetheless. Akashi gave the signal to form their groups. The three uncrowned kings formed a group immediately, possibly forgetting that Mayuzumi was there. Aomine and Kise formed a team with Midorima, and Nijimura took Murasakibara and Mayuzumi under his wing. Regardless to say, Akashi grouped up with Kuroko and Kagami had insisted that he wanted to be in the same team as his part-time shadow.

The teams then took a bus to the foot of the mountain before Akashi blew a whistle to signify the start of the competition. Indeed, all of the teams immediately rushed up the mountain. All except for a team with two redheads and a bluenette. "I am very sure that Satsuki has hidden some here. She must have known that many of them would rush up the mountain," Akashi deduced as he bent down to pick up a table tennis ball, which was very obviously lying on the ground in front of them.

Kuroko nodded. However, Kagami was itching to climb up the mountain already but only stopped in his tracks as the shorter redhead gave him a glare, no doubt able to read what was on Kagami's mind. Similarly, Kuroko shot him a deadpanned look too and Kagami could not help but think that Akashi must have rubbed off on Kuroko a little too much.

Sighing, Kagami trudged on ahead, followed by Akashi, then Kuroko. Around the base of the mountain near the entrance to the path up the mountain, they had already found five of those balls that Momoi had hid. Akashi shoved the bag that contained the balls to Kagami.

Glaring at the shorter captain, Kagami growled and was about to shove it back in Akashi's face but the redhead was faster. He reasoned, "Tetsuya and I do not have as much strength as you do. If my assumption of your strength is mistaken, then I shall double your training tomorrow to improve your strength. That is reasonable, isn't it? Now hold the bag for us." Kagami dared not retaliate.

As the team slowly climbed up the mountain, Kuroko walked beside Akashi and said suddenly, "Akashi-kun, you seem a little distracted today. Are you alright?"

Sighing, Akashi wondered if he should tell Kuroko about what his father had said. He did not want his team to worry about him but he knew Kuroko would find out sooner or later. He was just too observant. Lowering his voice, Akashi told Kuroko, telling him not to tell anyone else.

He was silent for a moment before replying, "Do not worry, Akashi-kun. No matter what, we shall win. I will not let Akashi-san prevent you from playing basketball." Akashi smiled at that and ruffled his shadow's blue hair.

"Yes, we will. Come on, I am assuming that there are more balls that we are to find." With renewed energy, Kuroko quickly followed behind the two redheads. It was a relief to Akashi to at least share the burden with someone who he trusted but he still felt a little but of regret. He had wanted to face this by himself.

The sun was setting by the time all groups have finally met up in the shrine. Momoi and Shirogane were already sitting on one of the benches, sipping on some sports drink that they had bought from a vending machine.

They stared at the collected items. It was almost hilarious to see that Akashi's group had almost thrice of the number of balls of all the other teams combined. Momoi had placed practically fifty percent of the balls on the lower half of the mountain while the other fifty percent were spread out sparsely over the top.

When the other three groups stared at the whole stuffed bag that hung over Kagami's shoulder, they were slack-jawed. "Dammit! How'd you guys get so many?" Aomine raged.

"Most were found at the base of the mountain. It was not our fault you guys rushed up the mountain without checking the base first," Akashi replied. Aomine's group, which included Kise and Midorima, had found the least number of table tennis balls. Midorima was angry he was being dragged into having his trainings quadrupled because of the reckless pair of blue and yellow.

Nijimura, along with Murasakibara and Mayuzumi came in second while the third group consisted of the three uncrowned kings who were now groaning and pouting, having already experience what a 'normal' training was from both Akashi and Shirogane.

The next day was torture for most of them as expected. Stamina training was hell. They had to run up and down the mountain ten times, with doubling, tripling and quadrupling for some. Teams that were done could practice at the basketball court, which the Akashi mansion had, amazingly. In fact, there were TWO courts, an indoor gym, a swimming pool and practically any facility you could think of.

Meanwhile, Kuroko was trying to perfect the new type of pass that Akashi had suggested. He was to try and spin the ball in such a way that it was not to much and not too little that when it bounced off the floor, it would turn in his desired direction instead of back to him.

He had excused himself from a game against Nijimura's team to practice this by himself. His new pass would be a very good advantage in games and he wanted to help Akashi win. After all, he did not want Akashi to hate the sport that he loved so much.

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