Chapter 14

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The Generation of Miracles Reincarnated

Chapter 14

The house phone rang. The redhead, who was currently munching on an apple from the kitchen, picked up the phone, which was just beside him.

"Hello? Who is this?" he said, swallowing down the last bit of apple.

"Akashi-kun? It's recess now," Tetsuya informed, showing that he was not sneaking to call him in class.

"Mm and?"

"Ogiwara-kun had just texted me. He asked if he could meet us at seven at the street ball court near Seirin. Is that alright?"

Akashi checked his schedule on his phone. "Sure. I have nothing on today." With that, the caller hung up. Akashi had moved in with Tetsuya for three days already, making that day a Tuesday. Akashi had already made the necessary arrangements for his school materials and personal belongings to be transported to Tetsuya's house.

Akashi had informed his father by call and he was, for no other better word, pissed. He had wanted Akashi to attend school and basketball practice personally as 'grades will affect his future careers and he should focus on them' and 'winning is everything and if he does not attend basketball practice, he's skills would be unpolished' blah blah blah. After that, Akashi had become angry himself so he had just told his father that he would be staying here in Tokyo because his friend had broken his wrist and then hung up.

Sighing, Akashi had texted him later saying sorry for his rude behavior. His father had not replied and assumed that he was angry but knew that Akashi would not be swayed. He was not going to let his father dictate his whole life.

That morning, he had, as usual, helped Tetsuya prepare for school and had made him eat a normal person's portion for breakfast. Then he finished his previous day's worth of homework before having a conference call with some businessmen. Even though he was still a freshman in high school, he had already taken over some parts of his father's business.

After finishing up the apple, he went back up to Tetsuya's room where a very hyper Nigō was waiting. Sitting on the tatami mat on the floor, he scratched the dog behind its ears and thought about what to say to Tetsuya's childhood friend later in the day.

"Tetsuya," the captain greeted as his teal-haired friend and teammate walked into the street ball court and sat on the bench beside him. Tetsuya nodded back in reply and gave him a smile. He seemed to be excited but yet afraid to meet his childhood friend.

Well who would not? They must have been close but then their friendship was suddenly broken and being the kind boy he was, Tetsuya would have blamed himself. But Akashi knew it was all he's fault that caused their friendship to shatter just like that.

Just then, a teen with orange hair walked into the street ball court. "Tetsu! Long time no see! I hope your hand is alright. You told me what happened just now," the orange-head, presumably Ogiwara Shigehiro, chirped happily. He looked towards the captain and his mood darkened. "You must be Akashi Seijūrō, huh? The one who destroyed Tetsu's and my friendship?"


"Yes, you are right, Ogiwara-kun. I have finally realized how stupid I was that time and I hope that you would forgive me and my team for our wrong doings," Akashi interrupted Kuroko's warning to his friend.

Ogiwara frowned. "Hm… Let me see. You practically pulverize everyone who plays against you and furthermore, you freaking toy with them! And now after a year you finally realize your three-year's worth of mistakes and by one line, expect me to forgive you? Well, that so makes sense doesn't it?" Ogiwara said sarcastically.

Akashi had expected the teen to rebut like that. Just then, greetings came from the entrance to the court.

"Yo, Akashi! Tetsu!"

"Kurokocchi! Akashicchi!"

"Aka-chin, Kuro-chin."

"Akashi, Kuroko."

The angered orange-haired teen raised an eyebrow. "Ogiwara-kun, my former teammates are here to apologize too. I do not care if you forgive me or not, but please forgive my teammates. I am their captain and I should take the responsibility," Akashi said. Surprising everybody, Akashi bowed down at waist level to the teenager before him.

Shintarō, seeing his captain bow down, did the same too, pressing the ace and the copycat of the team down by the heads to bow. Atsushi did the same too.

"Wha… What?" Ogiwara seemed shocked. Apparently he had not expected the famed but arrogant team of basketball players to actually bow down to him. "Wait, wait, wait. Get up! I was supposed to rant out all my anger at you guys and you guys aren't listening to my rant but are apologizing! Tetsu, please help me!" Ogiwara panicked.

"Ogiwara-kun. Please forgive my friends. It is my fau—"

"No, Tetsuya. It is mine. So what is your decision, Ogiwara-kun?" Akashi said as he rose from his bow.

"Uh… Uhhh. If Tetsu says so… Uh I still think you guys are jerks, but Tetsu said so, so yeah. I'll forgive you guys. Just this once. You guys are still the worst of jerks though. Arrogant much. Let's start again. Nice to meet you! My name is Ogiwara Shigehiro, Shige for short!" Ogiwara smiled.

Akashi smiled as he shook Shige's outstretched hand. Instead of a normal handshake, Shige had purposely gripped Akashi's hand really hard. "Hmpf, want to compete?" Akashi smirked, doing the same. Meanwhile, the rest at the side were staring at them, sweat-dropping at their childishness.

"Ogiwara-kun, Akashi-kun. It's getting late. Shall we go eat dinner?" Tetsuya asked, breaking up the two's childish competition.

Akashi nodded. Shige looked at Tetsuya with pleading eyes. "Can we go to Maji Burger? Pleeeeeaaaaseeee?"

"Akashi-kun?" Tetsuya asked his diet-checker.

Scoffing, Akashi said, "Fine. This once. No more for the next week though. Plus you have to get a burger along with your milkshake." Tetsuya pouted but Akashi could tell that the teal-haired boy was ecstatic to be able to finally get a taste of his vanilla milkshake.

Chatting lightly while the group walked to the fast food restaurant, Shige had grinned at Tetsuya, saying, "I see you still have the same old craving for vanilla milkshake, huh."

Akashi was glad. Tetsuya's friendship with Shige was finally repaired after a year of separation.

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