♠️Why Did it Have to be Roses?| Popular!America x Hanahaki!Russia♠️

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Yeah, I guess you're right but I never really pegged you for that

For what?

Someone who's not okay with fakeness

Oh so you think I'm naive, is that it?

Russia's eyes widened as he scrambled to correct his mistake and hopefully not ruin his chances at losing basically his only friend.

No no! I dont think that at all!! I just meant that you seem like a stereotypical jock- wait no thats not right, forget I said that. You just seem so um unappoachable?? No- YOURE JUST NICER THAN PEOPLE EXPECT OK IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU

The Russian heard America giggle next to him and his his face flushed when he read the next message.

I'm just pulling your leg dude! Gosh you really freaked out about me possibly being offended ;p


Yeah, sorry. I just don't like being mean to people

America snorted, attracting the attention of a couple of their peers for a second or two.

Well that's some grade A bullshit if Ive ever heard it. Do you not remember the time you threatened to throw Italy in a trash can just cus she kept asking you for a pencil?

I was having a bad day, shhhhhhh

Or how about that time you death glared North for a good minute when he wouldn't stop talking about how you should go back to communism

Ok it was a dumb lie i get it

Good :>


No but like seriously, whyd you get so upset and scared? You know im not gonna leave you just cus you offended me, that shit happens all the time, you cant help it! Just gotta accept you did a bad and move on with your life

Russia blushed, trying to get over how the wording of that message sounded like they were in a relationship.

No, he needed to stop. America was his friend, friends don't have crushes on their friends! Plus there's no way America would like him like that.

Russia's throat started to tighten and his lungs squeezed.

Sorry I just get worried lol

Dude saaaaaaaaaaaame, idk why but I get anxious over the littlest things

Really? But you seem so...cool? Idk, I cant think of the english translation for the word I'm thinking of

Yea I guess I seem that way, but trust me I am not

I find that hard to believe

No it's true!! I'm super paranoid to the point where it's annoying, my friends always say so

Russia raised an eyebrow at the paper.

Rusame Oneshots :|: DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now