"You little shit!" Rosanna exclaimed as she resurfaced, her face cursed with a smile she couldn't get rid of. Alex chuckled and jumped in next to her, sending water spraying into her face. As he swam back up he wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed her into the air, making her squeal yet again. Had the neighbours been listening they must've been concerned. He wrapped her legs around him and sat her on his pelvic bone as she playfully splashed him in the face. "I hate you," she laughed and pushed her wet hands through his hair.

Alex smiled and brought her face closer to his, holding her hips gently underwater. "No you don't."

Rosanna smiled and shook her head, "no I don't," she agreed and kissed him softly, making Alex smile.

  The studio the band now recorded in was much more flash in comparison to that of their previous one in Sheffield. But with that came many stuck up and strict people walking in and out. Rosanna was no longer allowed to sit and watch the boys record which pissed Alex off a fair amount on the first day. They were fairly rude about it too. He went as far as having a go at one of the managers until Andrew and Matt stepped in and Rosanna managed to calm him down, telling him she'd just go run some errands and then come back and pick him up.

  The two of them had a rent-a-car for the time being as neither of them had an American made car with the steering wheel on the left side. They were so used to driving on the left hand side that both Alex and Rosanna would find themselves automatically on that side of the road and then quickly swerving over to the right when they realised they were no longer in England.

Rosanna found herself sitting on the hood of the rented car, scribbling down into that same notebook that Alex had bought her. She was quite impressed with herself to say the least, she'd written at least four entire songs since she'd received the book at Christmas and was now writing her fifth. She'd never had so much inspiration or motivation to write in her life and now it was all happening at once. She guessed it was Alex. The man exuded inspiration and motivation. He was always willing to help her out whenever she needed and was excited to say the least when she asked him for his creative input.

He loved hearing what Rosanna was coming up with and kept pushing her to record things or put out singles but Rosanna always refused. Alex was ecstatic because today was the last day in studio for he and the band to make their final touch ups on the song he'd been hiding from Rosanna since they were on their European leg. When he arrived home he would finally be able to play the track for her and see her reaction. He and the rest of the band were beyond proud of it to say the least and were all very contempt in the direction of their next album due to the material they had conjured up already.

He didn't care that most of it was about Rosanna. She was his muse and he wanted to immortalise her and every which way she inspired him into his music.

  The soft salty breeze blew over Rosanna as the waves of the wavering ocean crashed before her. It was peaceful as she wrote into her notebook. Only the shrill sound of her phone going off snapping her out of her concentrated state. Pulling it out from her pocket she read the message from Alex letting her know they were finished at the studio and that he had a little something for her.

  Picking up some takeaway on the way, Rosanna picked Alex up from the studio and drove them up the winding road to their shared house. They sat in their makeshift home studio after they'd eaten, Rosanna excitedly sitting on a stool as Alex excitedly presented her with a small hard drive.

  "What's this?" Rosanna smiled, holding it up.

  "The song I've been keeping from you," Alex smiled.

  Her eyes grew wide, "I can listen to it?"

  Alex smiled at her excitement and nodded. He plugged it into their sound system and began playing it through the speakers. Walking back over to Rosanna and picking her up off her feet as the beat of the song rang through. After a few seconds, the riff the Alex had come up with that reminded him of Rosanna came through.

Maybe It's Been You All Along - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now