Chapter 6: Friends

Start from the beginning

The two of them laughed. And while they were laughing the bell rang for them to go to their next class.

"I think our friendship is going to be beautiful, Ryeanne."

"I know so, Lindsey."


It was Lindsey's final class before the weekend and she could finally have Damian Wayne out of her life. She walked to her art class with a skip in her step and sat in her seat. She knew Damian was already there, but he didn't seem to know that she was.

She waited until Miss Blakeman told everyone to go sit with their partners and finish their drawings.

Lindsey grabbed her things and plopped into her seat next to Damian. She took out her sketchbook and started touching up her drawing of Damian's family.

"You seem happy," Damian noted looking at his drawings looking for anything he had to fix.
"I do?" Lindsey asked.

"You were humming," Damian said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I was?" Lindsey asked. "I didn't notice. Was it bothering you?"

"A bit," Damian said. "If it bothered me too much, I would have told you to knock it off."

"I'm sorry, Damian," Lindsey said. "I'll try to be more considerate. I'm just happy for the weekend to be here."

"Are you doing anything special?" Damian asked. Lindsey was shocked he would actually ask and he seemed interested.

"No, I'm just happy that I'll be away from school and I'll get -" she almost said, 'get away from you.' Luckily she caught herself before she did. "I'll get to have all day to myself."

"I don't think that's what you were going to say," Damian said.

"It was," Lindsey insisted.

Silence fell between the two of them once again. The two of them were quiet until there were ten minutes left in class. 

"Lindsey, do you think I can look at your drawings?" Damian asked.

Lindsey was surprised he would ask to see them. But she still said, "Sure."

Lindsey pushed her sketchbook closer to Damian and turned her body with it. The sketchbook was open to her drawing of Tibet, it was of a mountain with a temple in the side. The two of them looked online for good pictures and Lindsey made it her own.

She then turned to the picture of Damian's family. Damian sent a picture of the last time they were all together and Lindsey worked with that to make it look better than the picture actually was. In the picture they all looked like none of them wanted to be there and actually wanted to rip each other's throats out.

The third picture of the sword. Damian's lips turned upward at that one. And finally the last one was of Damian himself. He leaned back in his seat after looking at the drawings and nodded.

"They're really good, Lindsey. I'm impressed," Damian said.

"I can't tell if you're lying or being polite," Lindsey said looking at Damian confused.

"I'm being completely sincere, Lindsey. They are really good," Damian said. He didn't have a comforting look on his face to back-up his statement.

"Can I see your drawings?" Lindsey asked.

"Sure." Damian shoved the sketchbook towards Lindsey. She flipped through the pictures. She looked through the picture of New York and her parents slowly, making sure everything she remembered was as accurate as possible. She flipped to her parents rings and smiled at how realistic they looked. She turned to her portrait and stopped.

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