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I can still faintly hear Pluem calling my name as I was running in the corridor, I've never bothered to look back. Heck, I don't know what's gotten into me and did that back there. Pluem looks like he's into me. He's straight, right? He's really confusing me or was it my mind playing tricks on me? Was it? Am I crazy? I think I'm going crazy for him. 

I fished out my phone in my back pocket to check the time, "03:01". I still have a few minutes left before the next class starts. Pluem dragged me to the south wing of the campus, and my next class is from the west side, so I had to run to keep up on time. At this point, I'm sweating bullets from running away. I decided to visit the nearest washroom to freshen up a bit, I still have a reputation to uphold. Not to brag but I've been the Nursing representative to last year's university-wide pageant; although, I did not win the title, yet I did bag the school's popular award. I am just that good looking, I guess. On the other hand, Pluem has his fair share of his popularity as well. He's the university's basketball team captain, and basketball is a big thing in this school. He's been extremely known ever since he started playing.  I've never been to any of his game, he's not mad about it tho, he knows that I've never understood how the game works. It's just shooting the ball in the basket, right? Hence, the name. I don't get why people are so into it.

Someone bumped into me taking me away from my thoughts. "Argggh," he groaned, his things fell on the floor which I recognized as Architecture thingamabobs. It's odd to see an Architecture student strolling in this campus alone, usually, if they visit this campus they either go in bulk for classes or they bring the whole student body for a game. You see, the university has 3 other campuses aside from this one, our campus holds the largest student population and tons of program courses. Meanwhile, the campus that this Arki student came from only hold 2 programs: Arki, and Interior Design. Arki and Engineering students have a long history of war, especially during sports fest. Both of the colleges are extremely competitive. That's why it's odd to see an alone Arki student roaming this campus. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen you walked out the washroom's door," I said, as politely as I could.

"If you're paying attention to your surroundings, you might've not bumped into me." He said while kneeling down to pick his things up.

"Err," I replied, kneeling down as well helping him out. "Look, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean this to happen."

"Buy me dinner." What?


I looked at him stunned. I wasn't expecting him to say that. I've regretted to look at him the moment I laid eyes on him. He was too close that I could smell his breath.  This has caused me to move back and falling with my arse first on the ground. 

"Excuse me, what?!" I repeated.

He didn't reply to me instead he took all of his things and put everything in his bag before he stands up and offered a hand to me. I was hesitant to take it, so I swatted his hand and stand on my own. He looked at his hand as if wondering why did I refuse it, and shrugs away his thoughts. He put his right hand in his pocket while the other is tucking his bag to hang on his shoulder. He looks cool standing there.

"Go out on a date with me." He smirked.

"Why would I do that?"

"To repay the trouble you've caused us both."

"And what exactly did I do?"

"Aside from ruining my plates," he said as he took a step closer causing me to move a couple of steps backwards. "you also caught my heart." That caused me to blush to a 30 different shade of red.  I pushed him away, so I can escape his manly presence.

"And why is that my problem?"

"It's not, it's mine but you're the one who've caused it," He snickered. "so you are part of it Chimon."

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