XXIII~ here for you

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hiccup's PoV

it's been a month since me and jack got engaged. the office still doesn't know we're even together. we only did anything at home, and he still called me Mr haddock and sir at work. his mother was told, and she reacted very well.


"mom?" jack says on the phone. we're sat in the living room, ready to tell her the news

"jack my boy! how are things?" she says cheerfully. she already knew we were together after that time she caught us kissing.

"very good mom. me and hiccup wanted to tell you something" he glances up at me with a smile

"this seems big. put it on FaceTime so i can see you both" he does as such, switching the call. jack's mom appears on screen with a smile.

"so, what did you need to tell me?" her eyes flick between us. jack grins big.

"me and hiccup are engaged" he proudly lifts his left hand to show her the ring.

"oh my god! my baby boy's engaged?! i'm so happy for you! come over later on, we need to celebrate" his mom gushes. i chuckle

"who proposed to who?" she asks excitedly.

"I proposed to him, Mrs frost" I say. she squeals again.

"oh it's just Natalie dear. after all, you are my future son in law" she giggles, and i nod.

"what time should we come?"

"how about 4? i'm sure Emma will be happy to see you" we nod

"okay mom, see you later"

"see you!" we hung up. true to her word, that afternoon was full of celebration, a bottle of champagne an amazing food. his mom has always been so kind, and she doesn't mind the age gap between us. emma was happy to see us. i'm glad his sister likes me, because anyone important to jack is important to me too.

I smile as i think of that day, how happy we all were. jack has been a little off recently. he's very irritable and closed off. I roll onto my side to wake him up for work, but as i look, he's already awake, just staring at the wall.

"jack? we have to get up for work" I place my hand on his shoulder. he shakes his head and buries himself further in the blankets.

"jack? are you okay?" I stand up and walk around to his side of the bed, crouching down. I frown when i see there are tears dripping out of his eyes and he's refusing to look at me.

"what happened, love?" I brush his tears away with my thumb.

"i..." is all he says, screwing his eyes shut. I kiss his forehead and stand up, walking over to the desk. the calendar catches my eye, and then i remember. it's his dad's death anniversary today. I quickly grab my cell and step out of the room, calling toothless. he is he only person at work who knows about us. after everything, he became a good friend to us, always calling to check in and running things while we were gone.

hey sir, what's up? he asks after picking up the phone

"hey toothless. me and jack won't be in today."

will I get a response if I ask 'why'?

"nope. all you need to know is that we won't be in. can you move all my scheduled meetings?"

sure thing, boss. i'll see you when you come in.

"thank you. see you soon" i hang up and walk back into the room. jack is sat up, palming the tears from his face and taking deep breaths. I sit beside him and gently rub his back. he lean into me. it's almost ironic; i used to be such a cold person, and would have told anyone in the same situation as him to toughen up because the work still has to be done, but jack's thawed me out, and now i'm much more empathetic. it reminds me of when i was 15. I was such a nice person, always asking others if they were alright and such. i'm broke out of my thoughts by jack's shuddering breaths.

"it was all my fault" his voice is rough and coarse as if he's been crying for a long time. I clutch him tighter.

"no, it wasn't. you risked life and limb to try and save him. it was just his time" he grips my arm, saying nothing. i can feel my shoulder getting damp from his tears, but i truly could not care less.

"i'm here for you." I whisper to him, kissing his temple. I gently lay us back down. he snuggles into my chest, quietly crying. after about 10 minutes, he falls asleep. I don't move, just lay there, holding him close. the maid walks in with a basket of laundry. her eyes land on us.

"oh... would you like me to come back?"

"no, that's fine. can you bring me up a glass of water, please?" i ask her. she nods, quickly putting the laundry away before leaving, returning moment later with a tall glass of cold water.

"thank you" i tell her. she leaves again. after about half an hour, jack's eyes flicker open. they're red and slightly puffy.

"h-hiccup? what time is it?" his voice is still hoarse. i check the clock.

"8:15" I tell him. he shoots up

"crap, we're late!" he yells, rushing to stand up but he ends up falling on a heap on the floor.

"are you okay? i help him up.

"we're late" he says again. I gently take his wrists and guide him to sit back down.

"easy, love. we've got the day off. go back to sleep, i'll still be here when you wake up" he gives me a look but lays back down with a sigh. I unclip my prosthetic (i forgot to take it off last night) before laying back down again, taking him into my arms. i feel his breathing smoothen out, showing he's fallen asleep. I kiss the top of his head and fall asleep myself. but just before i do, I whisper into his hair

"i'm here for you. always."

corny corny corny corny corny cornyyyyy

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