XVIII- the warehouse

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jack's PoV

as my eyes flicker open, i'm aware of a dull throb in my head. i groan and lift my head, seeing myself in some sort of warehouse. i shoot up, and find my hands and feet are tied to a chair, a cloth in my mouth. i hear footsteps, and i watch as a large man, wearing black jeans and a dark blue hoodie comes into my view

"ahh, you're awake" the man says. his voice is deep and gravelly with a thick accent that i don't recognize. i pull againt the zip ties around my wrists

"stop pulling. i wont hurt ya. not if hiccup follows through." he sneers at me. i narrow my eyes at him. i hear a bang come from the other side of the warehouse, and light streams in as the door is thrown open, revealing hiccup.

"let him go!" he hollars as he storms forward. ryker smirks as he turns around and grabs hiccup's throat. he chokes as he claws at rykers arm. i shout into my gag and thrash around, trying to break the zipties. ryker drops hiccup on the ground and turns back around to face me, laughing.

"did you really think i'd let him go? i had a deal." he growls. another door opens revealing... elsa. my eyes widen as she walks forward, standing next to ryker who had moved back to watch both of us.

"jack, hiccup." she says with a glint in her eyes. hiccup narrows his eyes at her accusingly.

"you... how could you do this? we helped you" he yells at her. she chuckles.

"oh, it was simple, really. i play the poor girl who needs help, find out where you live, then tell ryker. in return i get jack" she purrs. my eyes widen more. i manage to use my shoulder to get the cloth from around my mouth.

"what? you wanted hiccup you bitch!" i yell out. she laughs again.

"hiccup's old news. you however, are the fresh meat" she says seductively. i groan

"you vile bitch" i growl. she just laughs and trails her hand across my face and chest.

"i'll have my fun with you later. for now, we have to deal with hiccup" she grins and faces him. ryker punches him hard across the face, knocking him out cold.

"hiccup!" i scream.

"quiet" elsa hisses at me, pulling the cloth back around my mouth and tightening it more. ryker ties him into another chair and gags him. i screw my eyes shut as tears roll down my cheeks at our situation. i was wrong. i tried so hard to convince hiccup that ryker wasn't coming, but that ended up with us tied up in a warehouse, awaiting god knows what. ryker walks out of the room and goes elsewhere, leaving elsa to watch us. hiccup slowly comes to, and i quickly use my shoulder again to remove the gag after elsa leaves as well.

"hiccup? hiccup can you hear me?" i whisper. hiccup shakes his head and looks met me before nodding.

"use your shoulder to pull the gag off" i whisper again. he does as much.

"jack, i'm so sorry" he whispers hoarsly.

"what for? i got us into this mess" i tell him. he furrows his eyebrows

"no you didn't. you don't deserve to be here, ryker only wanted me. plus, what i said back at the house was totally uncalled for. i was just afraid because i knew i was falling in love with you" he says. i gasp


"yeah... pretty dumb, i know. not that it matters now anyway."

"i love you too, hiccup. we will get out of here." i say breathlessly. he smiles and opens his mouth to say something before the door opens again, letting in ryker and elsa.

"okay then. time to dispose of jack" he says boredly. i gasp, hiccup shouts 'NO!' and elsa looks confused.

"umm no, we had a deal. i help you get hiccup, and in return, i get jack" she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. he shrugs.

"yeah, but did you really think i would just give him to you? no. he means way to much to hiccup here, therefore, i kill him to spite hiccup." he informs her.

"no! leave him alone! do whatever to me, but don't hurt him!" hiccup shouts. ryker laughs and elsa looks angry. i kind of just resign myself to my fate.

"you see? this is what i'm talking about!" he guffaws.

"if your good. i'll even let you watch" he sneers at hiccup before walking away again, probably to get things to torture me with.

"guys i'm so sorry. i didn't know this was going to happen" elsa frets.

"yeah, okay. i think you've done enough" hiccup mutters. elsa produces a knife from her back pocket and instantly comes to me. i shrink back, but she grabs my wrists and cuts the ziptie, before doing the same for my feet. she does the same to hiccup and we stand up, pulling the gags off.

"there is a car at the back of the building. here are the keyes. get in and go." she throws hiccup the keys.

"HEY!" we hear ryker shout.

"go! i'll hold him off" me and hiccup look at her for a second, before sprinting out of the door. we run to the back of the building, where there is a car, just as elsa said. we jump in, and i hardly have time to close the door before hiccup turns the car on and speeds off. we drive at high speed down the road. i turn around and see ryker in a car behind us, smirking. theres blood on his face.

"shit, we have company" i yelp. i quickly sling my seatbelt on as hiccup drives faster. we turn onto the main road, where other cars are too. it's about 4pm, so there are alot of cars, meaning ryker can't do anything because of witnesses.

turns our ryker doesn't care as he rearends the car. hiccup lets out a yell as he lurches forward, hitting the steering wheel. he grits his teeth as we drive faster again, weaving in and out of cars. suddenly, ryker turns onto another road, and we sigh in relief.

"fucking hell" i lean back and press the palms of my hands against my eyes.

"i'm so sorry jack. you didn't deserve this" hiccup says quietly.

"like i said before. it's not your fault. i told you that we were in this together, and i meant it." i say simply. i look out the drivers side window as we are waiting in traffic, to see a car coming full speed towards us, with no intention of stopping

"HICCUP!" i yell out. hiccup barely has time to react before the car crashes into us, and everything goes black.

yay i love cliffhangers. 3rd chapter in a row. love it.

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