XIII- feelings

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jack's PoV

i wake up slowly as the sunlight streams on my face. i try to move but a pair of arms holds me tighter. i panic for a moment and open my eyes to see the green ones of hiccup staring back down at me.

"go back to sleep. we had a long night" he murmurs and brushes a strand of my hair away. i watch him in wonder as he just watches me too. eventually, i break the eye contact and snuggle deeper into his chest. as i wake up a little more, i realise we are in hiccup's room. he must have carried me here after i fell asleep. but... why didn't he take me back to my room? and what WAS that last night? i decide i need answers

"hiccup?" i say softly. i very, very rarely say his name. only when i have something important to ask.

a soft "hmm?" is not what i was expexting. usually, he gets irritated when i call him hiccup, saying that it's in the contract for me to not call him that.

"what... happened last night? i mean, you ignored me all day then the moment we got home, you pounced. why?" he seems to think about it before looking back down at me

"well, after i saw you with pitch i almost lost it and beat his ass right there. i don't know why, but i couldn't stand that someone other than me was touching you in that way. only i can" he growls the last bit slightly

"oh... why didn't you take me back to my room?" his eyebrows furrow


"i mean, why did you bring me here? usually, when i fall asleep after sex you take me to my room, but... not this time. i'm not complaining, of course" i add the last bit rather quickly.

"i'm... not sure. i guess i just didn't want to be alone" i smile and snuggle even further into him. he pulls me close, and rests his head on mine. before long, i fall asleep again.

when i wake uup for the second time, hiccup is gone but there is a note

"hey jack, i had to go to work. you can stay home. i'll be back soon. ~hiccup"

i fold the note and place it on the bedside table. i slip out of the bed and make my way into my room for a shower, as i feel a little sticky. after my shower, i get dressed and head downstairs. i quickly make myself some cereal and sit on the couch. i hear a jangling of keys then the door opens. soon after, hiccup enters the room in his work suit, looking rather tired

"good morning sleeping beauty" he chuckles

"good afternoon, sir. how was work" i place my bowl of cereal on the table as he slumps next to me. i undo his tie and place it on the table

"boring, as work goes." he looks at my neck

"hmm. i'm rather suprised you havent felt that yet" he says, and i touch my neck. a faint sting causes my to hiss, and he laughs

"nice artwork though" he grins and i chuckle

"i'll ice it later."

"nah, keep it. it looks really nice on you" he purrs and traces his finger lightly across the bruises.

"here, look" he passes me my phone. i open up the camera and see that my neck is mostly purple. i pucker my lips in amusement at the sight"

"well, people maaaay ask questions" i say

"let them." he shrugs and leans back, throwing his arm over the back of the sofa. i pick up my cereal and continue eating. hiccup turns the television on and turns to some random movie. when i finish my food, i take the bowl through to the kitchen and begin to wash it. suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around my waist causing me to drop the bowl into the water. hiccup's lips attach themselves to my neck and i gasp at the mixed feeling of pleasure and pain. my hands tighten their grip on the counter and hiccup chuckles at my reaction

"you- scared me" i manage.

"that was the point" he kisses my neck one last time before walking off. i smile and shake my head before finishing washing the bowl and putting it away. i walk back into the living room where hiccup is sat on the couch like nothing happened.

"what d'you say about us going out to eat tonight?" i smile and nod

"whatever you wish, sir." he grins

"good. go get dressed into something nice" i nod and scurry off. i walk to my wardrobe and open it, scanning my clothes. after a while, i pick out a white dress shirt, plain black blazer, and black dress pants. i walk back downstairs to see hiccup ready in a green velvet suit, red shurt and green tie. i hold back the comment of him looking like christmas but he notices and says

"yeah, i know. i look like christmas. you can laugh" he smirks and gestures to me with his arm. i swollow my laughter and say

"no, i'm okay sir. you look great"

"as do you. shall we go?" i take his arm and we walk out to his car. i slide into the front seat and he sits in the drivers seat. he drives us to what i recognize at the resturaunt he gave me the contract in. i gulp lightly as we get out and walk in.

"haddock, table for two?" this time, he didn't bother renting out the resturaunt. the server takes us to a lone table on the balcony.  me and hiccup make small talk until the waitress arrives.

"can i start you with drinks and starters?" she says. hiccup nods.

"yeah, can i have the calamari and chocolate cresents? and some water?" he answers for us. she nods.

"alright, i'll be back with that shortly" she walks away. me and hiccup talk about pointless things for a while longer, until she brings the starters. we eat in silence, until i decide to speak

"sir, was there any specific reason as to why you decided to take me out tonight?"

"not really. i suppose i just wanted to treat you" he shrugs with a smile, and i nod politely

"alright." it's funny how i often skip and change between being a polite submissive to a friend. it's also funny how absolutely no one comments on or questions the collars i wear. hiccup specified that i do not wear them at work, only at home and in public. speaking of which, the one i'm wearing now is a little itchy. hiccup notes me scratching at my neck

"are you alright?" he asks.

"yes sir. this collars just a little itchy. perhaps i havent worn it much" i say and he nods.

"fair enough." the waitress comes back and takes our orders. we both order the smoked salmon.

not long after, she arrives with the food and we eat in silence again. once we finish, hiccup pays the bill and we leave. he holds my hand and suddenly, elsa appears...

ha, cliffhanger. sorry for taking so long writing this chapter. i'll write another tomorrow, i think.

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