The bump + break up

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Standing still for a moment as she gathered her thoughts and willed the blush to go away, Ariana cleared her throat and made her way downstairs to see what to do to Beau.

"Beau Peter Brooks!"

Beau looked up, startled. He was holding the front door in his hand as he was the last of the three to walk back into the house after seeing the firemen and officers off. Seeing Ariana coming down the stairs in anger, he contemplated escaping the house but something told him Ariana would just chase him until she caught him. So he decided against it. No use in tiring himself out.

"Uh, hey Ariana." Beau chuckled anxiously, shutting the front door slowly, knowing exactly why she was so mad and also knowing he was either about to die or about to be seriously injured. "What's up?" He gave her an uneasy smile, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"You dented my baby!" Ariana hissed, smacking his arm.

"Well not exactly. I mean, it's just a little bump.. He didn't even cry! Here, let me just explain what happened."

Taking a deep calming breath, Ariana closed her eyes and counted to ten before opening them again to look at Beau calmly. "Go ahead."

Before Luke could run into the kitchen to save the popcorn, the fire alarm went off thus alerting the police and firefighters. Beau and Frankie looked at each other in worry then ran into the living room to get Brandon.

Beau got to the scared three year old first and grabbed him, holding him up high as he ran from the living room, resulting in him hitting his head on the doorway.

Frankie's jaw dropped as he witnessed the accident. The alarm stopped and it became dead silent as they imagined what Ariana would do to them if she found out. He took Brandon from Beau and looked at him, relieved that he wasn't crying and didn't seem to be effected at all. "You're okay buddy. Yeah, he's fine. He's completely fine. Let me just put him down." He mumbled, setting him down on the bench by the stairs before angrily turning to Beau and hitting his arm. "How could you do that to him!! Ari trusted me, what is she going to say?!"

Beau rolled his eyes as Luke came back in after opening the windows in the kitchen to let the smoke out. "She's not going to say anything because we're not going to tell her!"

"We're not?"

"No, we're not!"

"Alright I like that." Frankie breathed in relief as he turned around to look at his nephew, who had been unusually quiet as he watched his uncles argue, amused by it all. He didn't even feel any pain. "So we're okay, we're okay, we're okay, aren't we?" He smiled, kneeling down and pushing his hair from his face and when he felt a bump on his head, his eyes widened and he panicked again, "No, we're not okay, we're not okay, there's a bump, there's a bump."

Now, Beau started to panic. His eyes widened in worry and he hovered over Frankie to see it. "Oh my God. Well, push it in, push it in!"

Frankie stood up and looked at him in anger. "I cannot push it in!"

Luke stood in the kitchen doorway in confusion, looking at Brandon, who was giggling in his seat.

"And that's what happened." Beau finished, staring at Ariana, who was sitting in the same spot her son was in earlier.

She stared back at him, arms crossed and a skeptical look on her face. Before she could respond to the story, Jai came downstairs talking to Beau.

"Hey, Beau, did you notice anything weird about Brandon today?" He asked, standing beside the bench Ariana was on.

Beau looked at him and frowned slowly. "No.. Why?"

Jai shrugged, leaning against the staircase. "Well he had woken up so I played with him a bit to tire him out and yknow, we were doing the alphabet song, which he used to be good at considering he showed me tons of times.. But suddenly he's leaving out 'E' and 'F'." He looked at him, looking confused. "It's like they fell out of his head."

Beau looked extremely nervous and fidgety as he cleared his throat. "Really?"

"Yeah.." Jai trailed off, then his eyes widened a little, moving off the staircase and going closer to his brother. "Oh, and also he's walking.. Kind of funny. I mean it's like his left leg is moving a lot faster then his right leg. Yeah, he's up there like.. yknow.." He started walking in a fast circle as Ariana slowly covered her mouth so she wouldn't lose it.

Beaus eyes widened in worry and he bolted up the stairs, yelling at them. "Oh my God I wrecked your kid!"

Ariana looked up at Jai with a stunned smile. "Is he actually awake?"

"Nah." Jai laughed. "I just wanted to mess with Beau."

Ariana laughed hard and stood up, highfiving him which resulted in him pulling her in for a hug.


Jai took a deep breath as he knocked on Ivy's door on the next day. He ran his hand through his hair nervously, closing his eyes. He opened them instantly when he heard the door open and saw his girlfriend on the other side.

"Jai!" She smiled brightly but then scowled. "You ignored my calls last night."

"Uh, yeah.. about that--"

Ivy shook her head, the smile returning to her face. "It's fine. Do you have my surprise?" She asked, peeking behind him as if he were hiding it.

Jai frowned, looking behind him in confusion. "No.." He said slowly, looking back at the blonde. "Listen. We need to talk. I don't think this is working." He cleared his throat. "I think we need to break up."


"Uh.. Surprise?"


I hope you guys liked this chapter!😊 the bump part was inspired by FRIENDS haha. Kudos to you if you figured out the flashback scene was an actual scene I took from the show! Comment and vote!

What We Keep Hidden (Jai Brooks- Ariana Grande)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum