eight-first date

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First Date

     Mary Ann and Ginger were in one of the many bedrooms in the Howell's mansion. They were digging through each other's clothes, trying to pick out an outfit for Mary Ann's date. They gathered on the floor with their suitcases and clothes scattered around.

"Oh my gosh Mary Ann, your first official date with the Professor," Ginger said, pulling out one of her dresses. "How exciting!"

Mary Ann smiled as she pulled out one of her cropped shirts, holding it up in the air. "I know and it's all thanks to you," she said. "What do you think of this?"

Ginger looked at the shirt, shaking her head. "Don't just thank me, Gilligan helped." Ginger pulled out a thin black dress out of her suite case . "How 'bout this?"

Mary Ann eyed the dress. "Um, it's a bit revealing for my liking," she confessed before digging around in her suitcase for something else. "Maybe I'll just go for my red dress."

Ginger clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth followed by a small eye roll. "But Professor's seen you in that like a million times."


Mary Ann unfolded her red dress she'd packed after the Howell's informed everyone to bring something fancy rather than a old red long sleeved shirt and blue button up. (The men were definitely a target for that request) Thank goodness Mary Ann had packed something decent enough for her date.

"So, don't you want to look good for the Professor?" Ginger tugged the dress from Mary Ann's grasp.

"I do," Mary Ann fought, yanking the dress back. "But it's not about the looks to me."

Ginger smirked. "Says the girl who wore short-shorts and cropped shirts on the island."

Mary Ann scrunched her face. "Hey, I was packing for a vacation and it was hot in Hawaii."

Ginger rolled her eyes again. "Whatever."

"Besides, I don't need to impress the Professor's if that's what you mean. We've known each other for three years and he's yet to find something he doesn't like, so I think I'm doing just fine."

Ginger had to smile at that. "So what are you two doing for your date?"

"It's a surprise I guess, the Professor hasn't told me yet," Mary Ann said. She looked over at the clock on the wall. "Which the driver should be taking us in one hour."

Ginger sprung up to her feet. "Ooh then we better get you ready!"

The girls gathered at the vanity table, Mary Ann sitting in front of the giant mirror. Ginger began brushing Mary Ann's hair while she applied her make up.

"How did you want your hair?" Ginger asked, stringing her fingers through Mary Ann's hair.

"Just pull some strands back behind my head," said Mary Ann. " But don't tie it with a bow."

Ginger mocked a gasp. "No bow? How will the Professor even recognize you?"

Mary Ann looked at Ginger in the mirror. "Oh shush and tie it back with a clip please."

Ginger giggled as she clipped Mary Ann's hair back. "I'm only kidding Mary Ann, you look beautiful."

Mary Ann sighed, examining herself in the mirror. "I don't know, I look the same as I always do."

Ginger placed her hands on Mary Ann's shoulders, looking at her in the mirror. "Trust me Mary Ann, the Professor will think you're beautiful. He's already said so. Miss 'most beautiful women in the world.'" Ginger winked with a reassuring smile.

Mutual Fondness [the professor & mary ann] ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora