one- not goodbye

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Not Goodbye

          Mary Ann Summers never thought she'd ever stand somewhere other than the island she'd spent the past three years on. She thought she'd never see her family again or taste the mouth-watering food of civilization. And she certainly didn't think their plan of spelling out help with wood and lighting them with fire would actually work. Yet there she stood with the Professor, looking beyond the exact ocean the seven castaways had set sail on that fateful trip. And even though they were rescued only three days ago, it still felt like a dream.

The castaways were staying in Hawaii for a few days to settle into civilian life before flying home. They'd spent the past two days doing television news interviews, devouring meals and sharing joyful tears and hugs with family members who had flown over to Hawaii once the news broke of the rescue.

Now, with about three hours till their flights to Kansas and Ohio, Mary Ann and the Professor secluded themselves from everyone by the docks, leaning the front of their bodies against a wooden fence. It was the first time since rescued they'd gotten the chance to discuss the reality of the situation and how it would effect them personally. After a moment of viewing the ocean and the boats passing, the Professor cleared his throat.

"The day has finally arrived hasn't it Mary Ann?" he said, looking onward.

Mary Ann shook her head. "None of this feels real. To be standing here, looking at something other than the huts and jungle leaves." She turned her head, viewing the side of his face. "To be with you here, in a different setting, off the island together."

Mary Ann's eyes stayed lingered on him as she recalled the last three years.

The seven castaways were strangers to her the day they got stranded. But she immediately was drawn to the Professor as a friend, a partner in plant discovery, scavenging and building devices. By year two on the island, Mary Ann spent hours everyday with the Professor doing just those things. As time went on though, something more came out of their expeditions and plant excursions. The Professor and Mary Ann connected on a deep, intellectual level and in spending time together, they talked a lot, about anything and everything—their life before getting stranded, their families, and love, to name a few.

And as their bond as friends continued growing, so did their fondness for one another in a romantic way; It was mutual. Mary Ann knew the Professor had feelings towards her. The Professor knew of Mary Ann's crush on him. Except even though it was mutual, nothing was officially done or said a loud confirming their attraction. So they were left with an unfinished feeling between them.

Mary Ann blinked back to reality. "I'm going to miss seeing everyone everyday." She shifted to the right where her shoulder squished against the Professor's. There was a subtle crack in her voice and a sniff came out of her nose. The Professor nodded slowly before turning his body to face Mary Ann. His blue eyes fell deep into her brown eyes.

"I'm going to miss, you," the Professor said, his eyebrows buried into his forehead.

Mary Ann tilted her head, concerned by the apparent discomfort that covered his face. Yet, at the same time she felt the same way. She brought her hand up to his face, caressing his cheek. "This isn't a goodbye Professor," Mary Ann assured. "We'll still be in each other's lives."

The Professor gave a weak smile as he held onto her hand that was making his cheek warm. "Mary Ann, I know I've told you this before, but I really appreciate what you did for us on the island. Without your meals, we wouldn't have survived. Thank you."

"Need I remind you, it was your devices that allowed me to cook all those meals," Mary Ann said. "So thank you."

They both exchange wide genuine grins that accentuated the creases by their eyes. "You're welcome," they said in unison which initiated chuckles from them both.

Mutual Fondness [the professor & mary ann] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now