seven-you're beautiful

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You're Beautiful

     In the early hours of the morning, the Professor secluded himself in the Howell's family room with a book. Waking up extra early was routine for him. On the island, he'd always wake up before anyone else so he could get a start on his latest project or plan for their rescue. Early mornings were also time to run his thoughts.

The Professor took a pause in reading when he recalled that Mary Ann hadn't shown him what she'd wanted him to read. But he didn't want to ask her about it because he thought it wasn't a big deal so he brushed it off. At this point, Professor had no clue where his relationship with her stood. They kissed, yet it felt like Mary Ann was trying to forget about it. He thought maybe she didn't feel the same spark he did.

Professor sighed and just as he closed the book shut, Ginger came walking in like she'd been searching for him.

"Could it really be Ginger Grant, up at 6:00 am?" Professor teased as she moved closer. He scooted over so she could sit with him on the couch.

Ginger smiled. "Well, really the only reason I'm awake this early is to catch you before anyone else is around."

"And what for?" He turned his body towards her.

Ginger took a finger and dragged it lightly across his arm, but Professor moved his arm away.

"Ginger," he said sternly. "That doesn't work anymore, it may have worked on the island but not here."

Ginger growled, flopping her arms down. "Fine," she huffed. "But Professor, why won't you tell Mary Ann that you love her?" Her voice turned into a whine.

Professor was flustered with shock and embarrassment. Though he shouldn't be surprised; Ginger Grant always said what was on her mind without thinking.

"First of all," began Professor. "I don't love Mary Ann." The amount of emphasis he put on the word love scared him, because that entire sentence was a lie.

"Okay, but you do like her don't you, at least?"

There was no sense in hiding it because Ginger seemed to already know everything. "Yes Ginger, that's correct." But that's all he was going to tell her.

Ginger scooted closer, a mixture of a smirk and a smile covering her mouth. "And?"

"And what?" Professor shrugged his shoulders and blinked. He genuinely had no idea where Ginger was getting at.

"Aren't you going to do something about it?"

"I'm afraid I already did Ginger," answered the Professor.

Ginger gasped, eye wide and grinning. "Really? How? When?"

"We went hiking, then it rained, then I kissed her." Professor threw out it his words as quick as possible.

"A kiss!" squealed Ginger, hands clasped together. "In the rain! How—"

"—romantic," Professor finished. "I know."

"Wasn't it perfect though?"

Professor sighed. "It was, for me. But I don't know, I think Mary Ann's trying to forget it."

Mutual Fondness [the professor & mary ann] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now