eleven-crashing down

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Crashing Down

     As the party went on, Mary Ann decided she was ultimately in charge of her emotions. If she stayed isolated in her room, it'd only make her feel more alone and sad. She went downstairs to rejoin the party. There was music coming from the ballroom, so she went to check it out. When she entered, Mr. and Mrs. Howell were dancing to an upbeat song. She looked across the room and Ginger and Gilligan were dancing as well. Mary Ann made eye contact with Ginger and she could sense she was about to come over. Mary Ann had nothing else to do, so she made the effort to come up to Ginger.

"Mary Ann I'm sorry," Ginger said, stepping away from Gilligan. "I should have told Rose everything."

"Don't mention it," said Mary Ann, smiling only for an instant. "After this trip I'll go back home and forget everything ever happened."

Ginger scrunched her eyebrows. "You mean you and the Professor?"

Mary Ann shrugged. "He's clearly upset and he didn't want to talk about it."

"Mary Ann, don't be ridiculous. You're acting like you and the Professor broke up."

"I know, forget what I said. I just need to get my mind off of everything."

Ginger grabbed Mary Ann's hand, pulling her forward. "Come on, dance with Gilligan and I."

"Where'd the Professor go?" Gilligan asked.

"He went upstairs to his room, said he wasn't feeling well," Mary Ann said.

"Oh, I hope he's okay," Ginger said.

Mary Ann looked towards the doors of the ballroom. "I think I'm going to check on him," she told them. Although she and the Professor weren't on the best terms at the moment, she didn't like leaving him up there alone when so much was going on downstairs. Mary Ann went upstairs to his room and when she knocked, she was hoping behind the door would be a forgiving Professor. But with no answer to her knock, Mary Ann assumed he was asleep. She opened the door to find the Professor laying on his back.

Mary Ann sighed as she watched his chest rise up and down. So much had happened on the trip in a small amount of time. It seemed liked the one of most eventful times of her life, besides the shipwreck. And the shipwreck brought her and the Professor together which she always said was fate. Everything they'd gone through together on the island and since getting rescued was too much to throw away.

Mary Ann, you're being dramatic. It's not like you two broke up.

When she was about to close the door, the Professor's eyes fluttered open. "Mary Ann?" he said, eyes squinted.

"Yeah it's me," she said softly, a small smile peeking through her mouth. The Professor grunted as he pushed himself upwards.

"Is the party still going on?" the Professor asked as he rubbed his eyes.

Mary Ann nodded. "Are you coming down?"

There was a moment of silence as Mary Ann watched the Professor, waiting for his turn to speak.

"Mary Ann, I think we need talk. The three of us need to talk."

Finally. "Yeah that's probably a good idea. When should we...?"

Mutual Fondness [the professor & mary ann] ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu