six- reunion

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     Although only a week had gone by since Mary Ann had seen the castaways, she was just as eager to reunite with them at the mansion as if she hadn't seen them in 6 months. The Howell's had arranged a sleek black limousine to pick them up from the airport and take them to their mansion in Hollywood hills. The ride took about an hour, with Rose, The Professor and Mary Ann squished together in the first row of seats. As the limousine pulled onto a long rocky path, a wind of excitement stirred up in Mary Ann's stomach. She peered behind the driver's seat, trying to catch a glimpse of the mansion ahead. When they drew closer, the entire front window of limo was filled with a view of pearly white stone and fiery red brick trimming.

Mary Ann gaped as she scanned the area which was filled with palm trees, much like the ones on the island and a giant breathtakingly beautiful, gold fountain that spewed out streams of water, criss-crossing one another. The driver stopped the limousine in front of a six foot tall stone fence. He stepped out, made it to the fence and pressed his finger onto a round button. Into a speaker, the driver announced, "Mr. and Mrs. Howell, more guests have arrived."

In about three seconds, the gate opened itself, slowly revealing the mansion in its full glam and glory. The driver hopped back in the limousine, sliding the fancy vehicle through the opened gate and closer to the mansion's massive entry way. He put the limo in park then stepped out and opened the doors on both sides. He stood back, allowing the Professor, Mary Anna and Rose to climb out.

"Thank you Sir," Mary Ann said, giving the driver a slight nod and a smile more beaming than the sun in California.

"It is my pleasure serving the Howell's family," he told her, presenting a tiny bow.

Mary Ann's heart ruptured with gratitude and love that the Howell's considered her as family and to acknowledge that to someone else—she was touched deeply and even more eager to jump through the cobble stone doors.

The driver escorted the Professor, Mary Ann and Rose to the front doors. He did a delicate knock, and the door swung open revealing Mr. and Mrs. Howell.

"Welcome," greeted Mrs. Howell smiling at each of them.

"Thank you for inviting us," Mary Ann said.

"Come in, come in," Mr. Howell insisted, opening the door wider.

Mary Ann followed the Professor and Rose inside to the widest entry way she'd ever seen. The ceiling was super tall and you had to crane your neck to see. The first thing that caught her eye was a large painting of the Howell's posing with golf clubs. To the right was a curled white staircase with gold trimming. Mr. and Mrs. Howell led them into the large family room.

"The rest of the castaway are in there," said Mrs. Howell.

Mary Ann could see Gilligan talking Ginger and she clasped her hands together, almost letting out an excited squeal. She ran to the living room, calling their names. "Ginger, Gilligan!"

"Mary Ann," Gilligan said, jumping a foot up into the air. She rushed over and gave him a bear hug.

"I've missed you," said Mary Ann, rubbing his back as they hugged. "Even though it's only been a week."

They pulled apart. "I know." Gilligan beamed.

Mary Ann eyed his head. "Hey, no hat," she pointed out.

Gilligan nodded. "And no red shirt."

"You're still adorable as ever," said Mary Ann.

They both walked over to Ginger, and Mary Ann gave her a big hug as well.

Mutual Fondness [the professor & mary ann] ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz