Start from the beginning

"I..." he began but trailed off.

"And the day before yesterday-"

"What are you looking at?" Little Jay asked Jayden after he had looked in the direction Jayden's eyes had been fixed on but saw nothing but grass and lovely birds flying across.

"I'm..." Jayden looked at the little boy and inquired, "What do you see over there?" Jayden pointed at his sixteen-year-old self with Kira in the bedroom.

"Nothing," Little Jay replied, "Just birds!"

Jayden's eyebrows joined in confusion. How was the boy not seeing what he was seeing? Why had they been seeing two different things?

Jayden turned back to the scene, catching Kira's words,

"Don't say those things!" she told sixteen-year-old Jay, "We're doing this because we care about you. We love you. I love you. We'll get through this together-"

Jayden gently put little Jay down on his feet, saying, "Stay put for two minutes, okay?"

Little Jay nodded and sat down on the grass, returning to his flying plane game and making flying plane sounds with his little mouth.

Jayden got closer to the scene, the green surroundings suddenly transforming into his old bedroom. That was when teenage Jay and Kira could see him.

"What the-" teenage Jay mumbled.

Jayden directed his gaze to a gaping Kira, "Kira, could you please excuse us?"

"How d'you know my name?" she breathed in shock. This man looked like an older version of Jay. Not to mention, a more handsome, matured version.

"I... know a lot of things. Please, leave now," he pleaded, and she slowly rose from the bed and walked out of the room, still in awe.

"Why did you let her go? Who are you?" teenage Jay wanted to know. For some strange reason, teenage Jay couldn't spot the resemblance like Kira had.

Jayden got closer to his teenage self, and stood before him, cross-armed, "Just because someone hurt you, doesn't give you an excuse to hurt someone else."

"What are you talking about? Who are you? Kira and I were just talking. Who are you?" he stared into his eyes, "And why did you tell her to leave?"

"Because you're gonna have mixed feelings for her tonight. You're going to be foolish, you're going to be impulsive, you're going to be selfish, and things will get terrible. You'll hurt her, and you'll hurt yourself."

"I would never hurt Kira!" he spat out, "Who are you to come and say such things to me? Do you know who she is to me?" he demanded, rising to his feet, five inches in height difference.

Teenage Jay went on, "You have no idea what I've been through. Kira is the only one I trust. She saved me from terrible things," he swallowed a lump in his throat, "I would never cause her pain. Get out of my room, mister."

Jayden spoke softly, internally crushed by the reminiscence of the turn of events, "Sometimes we do things that defy simple thought process. We do things that beat logic and reasoning. And we'll have a lifetime to pay for them. I guarantee you, that."

"You're just trying to scare me. Please leave me alone. I don't have to listen to you. I only listen to Kira," he made clear. "I don't even listen to my therapist because she still doesn't get what it's like for me to live like this. She doesn't know what it's like to live, knowing that I am not normal," his voice broke, "and I will never be."

Jayden remained still while maintaining eye contact with his younger self. If only he had been stronger. If only he had been nobler. If only he had made the right choice. If only. Things would have been so different.

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