Aspen drives him crazy, Aries said. I said Miguel to change the subject to make Varian talk, that idiot began to whine how he is... let's not go there.

I shook my head. These two needs to figure out what they want.

That they should. He agreed. After a brief pause, he said, We are coming over.

"Enough!" Aspen glared at Nadia. "You don't know what it is like!"

With that, Aspen shot up. Just then, four of them entered. Aries stood by the door and crossed his arms across his chest while Varian stood behind him with confusion written over his face.

Just when Miguel was about to enter, Aspen strode past him and left the house.

"What happened?" Miguel asked, his gaze focused on Aspen's retreating figure.

I shrugged. It was a pity that my coffee was over. "You should ask her."

He frowned. "I felt intense possessiveness. That's why I came as soon as possible."

Nadia coughed and left the room without saying another word. Seeing her, I washed my mug as fast as I could and trailed after her, giving Aries a peck on his lips.

"Who would have thought?" Silas commented as he came to the living room. "That Aries would be a romantic at heart?"

I paused. "What do you mean?"

Silas rolled his eyes as he opened his tablet to check the news update. "I used to think that he did not have a heart. He was too much into war."

Miguel then brushed past me as he chased his mate. For some weird reason, I felt Aspen being my female Delta would be the best thing.

Before I could reply to Silas' comment, he held me, neither too tight nor too loose, spun me around and kissed me hard. If I did not know any better, I would say even after the entire night of passionate lovemaking, he was still unsatisfied.

My body began to react. The heat I thought the shower quelled, roared back to life. One kiss was apparently enough to undo me.

Silas coughed loudly. "Don't need to prove anything, Aries."

When our kiss stopped, he did not let me go out of his embrace. He gently rested his forehead against mine and took a deep breath in. "I am not proving anything. I am merely kissing my Soul-Bound. Is there something wrong in that?"

The silver eyes that shone so full of mischievousness and mirth would definitely get me in trouble. I rarely saw this playful side of him. While his eyes lit up, there was a change in his entire face. It was the tiny lift of the corner of his lips. That little pull of his cheek muscle. I was falling all over again.

"They are lost to us," Varian's voice brought me back to earth.

Silas sighed. "I agree. Is there any coffee left?"

"No," Varian replied.

Aries smiled and released me from his embrace. He then cleared his throat. "What would you say about meeting another Warrior?"

At this, Silas placed his tablet carefully next to him and got up. Slowly he came up next to Aries. "Who is it, now?"

Aries sighed. "We cannot keep being here. We have to move to the West Pack. Taurus got some information regarding what was happening there. He is coming to tell us."

I opened my mouth to protest. "But... Ant is with him. If he is to come here, who will protect her?"

Aries shrugged. "Taurus is confident about a male called Draco. Taurus gave me reassurance that Draco will protect Ant."

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