Drunken Poetry - 내 마음

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Sometimes we drift

Into a tropical space

Inside of which

We open our face

To the light mist

of a green maze.

Nostalgia triggered

And love enveloped

My tender fingers

To keys worshipped

Which express thoughts

And lasting highs

Of nostalgia lost

And infinite skys.

There is everlasting

Hope within my heart

Causing Tropes casting

A sensitive start.

My wet eyes rise

Unto a brilliant light

Mentally I fly

As a tethered kite.

Chained to earth

I writhe in longing

To then rebirth

As a bird flying.

My eyes redden

Yet yours are dry

Before you I'm fallen

Still you wont cry.

We joke of your kind

That you're a robot

While in my mind

I haven't forgot.

You are truly metal

Made of cold parts

Inside you echo

You have a metal heart.

Do not eat my heart up just to let it dissolve in your abrasive stomach acid. Take care of it instead of mindlessly neglecting it.

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