Improbably Musica

21 1 0

I saw their eyes

peak out from the dark

against a black drop

glowing red as a heart.

I walked in the cave

with a lamp light warm

revealing ancient pictures

old and worn.

ugly masks lined the walls

and uneasy statues of men

stare from the dark, frozen.

This is culture, this is collection

this is my mind:

its interpretation.

Semar's cane could be heard

nearer, nearer it scraped

till his skinny-fat body came

peaking out from a black drape.

An old wise smile met me

he cleared his throat

he began to speak

he spoke mildly.

"You are evil here,"

he said finally,

"you must return to your time."

His cane shook violently. 

The warmth inside,

my blood had gone.

I was turned away

by simple words strong.

To my time i returned,

I awoke at my desk.

Pencil in hand, paper at rest.

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