shut the fuck up

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how do i help myself. please help me. please 

im constantly sad and scared

I have so much regret and hatred for who I am and it never goes away

so many rules, regulations, morals, and promises broken.

he will learn that he hates me when he sees my foolish tears.

always emotional and agonizing over meaningless things

i am just like my mother

maybe if i could learn to love my mother I could learn to love myself

I don't want to depend on him too much

why did I ever start this'

why do i make these horrible mistakes

i want it to end

why does everyone else get to live normally

is there something wrong with me?

is my heart and brain broken?

so many good things are happening but I am in so much pain

I am being pulled from both directions

i cant even move now.

my sister has endured so much more than me.

my brothers, my mother and father too.

why am I so pitiful then?

nothing truly horrible has happened to me

why am I so emotional?

am I pregnant?

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