One-Sided Love

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There was so much sweetness to be held,

but for a dreadful absence of sickness,

my discretion led me to break my spell

and destroy this constant wistfulness.

"You're not a villain" to "You're evil".

You searched frantically for a solution

but for the memories we grew together,

You ignored my every single notion

crying we must be as one forever.

"Don't change for me" to "You should've done better".

I laid myself out for honest inspection

but for the state of your own heart,

your deductions made me your possesion,

loves madness led you to pick me apart.

"Your love is a treasure" to "You're superficial."

Any good image I had of you is void,

but for the sake of gentle and fair deductions

I cannot be too angry you're soiled,

your roots are the cause of your afflictions.

"I want to fix this" to "I'm not ready."

You don't love me. You love yourself. I was an object for you to lose, not a person with a soul trying to make things right after the writing on the wall was screaming at them.

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