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I never have sickly sweet dreams. Usually, the darkest they go is me and my loved one being chased by some menacing force. A bear might appear during a camping trip or maybe a tiger breaks into our home. But the dream I had last night felt super targeted...

The first time I see him is outside of my apartment window loitering about. I'm back in college from two years ago. The course of the beginning smoothens out into one blur but it's clear that he returns a few more times, with a chainsaw. The presupposition is that he has been following me for a while already, but that's when it really becomes clear. He thrusts his chainsaw into my window and breaks it. My apartment suddenly turns into my family home on Binks and I'm rushing about trying to inform everyone that a maniac has broken in. No one listens to me and then my oldest brother is murdered...

Apparently, the trauma of having my sibling dead hasn't sunk in yet so I'm going about my life without a care. Even the police don't care. Then on an outing with my sister, I spot him watching us in his van. I realize that this is definitely a stalking situation. With sister in hand, we try to get a picture of his license plate, but he sees us creeping about and pursues us. We rush into Yj's apartment and all is well, sister wanders off to do her own thing.

My stalker brazenly knocks on the door which at this point doesn't seem to terrify me but fuels me to investigate. Insane... First I look through the peephole and see him standing there smiling. I open the door just a hair but he pushes through. My outward emotion is cocky and indifferent. I'm thinking I can somehow keep the situation mild and friendly???? What the actual fuck.

At this point, I'm able to get a clear look at him. His appearance has stayed spookily consistent throughout the entirety of my dream but now I see his details. Tall with short blond hair, a slightly hairy face, and eyes that are dark and menacing. I can't really remember what is said between us exactly, but he does tell me to break up with my boyfriend and date him instead. I consider it for a moment, remembering my darkest desires and the various forms of media they have morphed into. I say no however and then he threatens me and I say no again.

He ends up stapling the skin on my forearm and wrist. Yes, an office stapler in fact was used. Something so small and insignificant became horrifying to me just because I have an intense fear of anything penetrating my skin. Those areas he stapled on my skin were sensitive points and could cause me to pass out. The idea of fainting is enough to deter me from any needle or sharp object.

Clutching my wrist and keeping me in his arms, he staples me and I cry out, explaining that he can't do this or else I'll pass out. I beg and plead but he keeps going on. He picks the metal pieces out and then leaves. I explain to Yj what happened but he just hugs me? No one is taking the situation seriously, not even myself.

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