Chapter 32: Trenton Greene

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"I-institutionalized?" I repeat quizzically, feeling my heart drop. "He's...he's institutionalized? Like...committed?"

He nods slowly, "Yeah. Exactly like that."

My eyes go wide. The man who is supposedly my biological father has been committed. What for I am unsure of and, to be honest, I'm not entirely certain if I want to find out. I mean, he could be a lunatic for all I know who goes around hurting people. And that's honestly not something I want to know all the gory details about.

He continues, "He's not crazy if that's what you're worried about." My gaze meets his and he adds, "We sat down and talked to him. He's not a bad guy, Y/N. He's a scared and misunderstood guy, but he's not malicious. He's just in a world that doesn't understand him. That's all."

"A world that doesn't understand him?" I reiterate. "You mean like me? Like how I see shit that no one else does? So, my parents shove pills down my throat to magically cure and fix me. Do you mean like that?"

"Exactly like that," he says.

My blood runs cold. For what feels like the hundredth time this week, I feel like my soul leaves my body. But more importantly, for the first time in my entire life, I feel like I've gained some ground in understanding who I am.

"He...sees them? He sees the phantoms?" I question, climbing to my knees. "My biological father...he can see the things I see?"

"Yeah," he answers matter-of-factly. "He can see them. Just like you, he can see them."

Suddenly, I feel even less alone. Aside from Yato and the other gods and regalia, I now know that another human can see what I see, that human being the man who helped to create me, that is. Regardless, it's relieving to know that in this big world filled with many people that are all different, there's one just like me.

"That's why he's there," he adds, swallowing.

The slight smile that's bowing my lips vanishes. "Wait, what?"

Yato scans me, huffing, "Trenton sees them, but his family, much like yours, doesn't believe him." I don't reply, so he continues, "He was committed by his father. Apparently, he grew tired of Trenton's outbursts, so...he found grounds to have him committed."

"That' sad," I mumble, dropping my stare.

I claim it's sad, which it is, but my thoughts shift to my family. If the medication didn't help to suppress what I saw...would my parents have me committed? Would they have had me hospitalized against my will? They would have the means to, no doubt. They have more than enough connections to do just that. Shivers run the length of my spine. I shudder at the thought.

"His own dad forcefully committed him," I reiterate. "That's just so sad. He practically abandoned him."

"Seems that way. Not surprising, though. He did the same to Trenton's mom when Trenton was a kid," Yato shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I glance at him, knitting my brows. "What? Trenton's mother was also...committed? He told you that?"

He nods, "Yup. The guy was chatty. Probably just happy to have someone to actually talk to." He turns to me. "But yeah, he said his mom saw the phantoms too. According to him, his father thought she was hysterical, but Trenton claims that all she was trying to do was protect him and his siblings. That was all."

Two people. Two people that I share a bloodline with both see or have seen what I see. At least three of us see them. For all I know, there could be more of us. There could be a whole army in the bloodline that has a history of seeing them. There could be so many of us.

"So, you're saying that both my biological father and his mother see these things?" I ask, my tone growing shaky. "And as a result, they've both been committed?"

"According to Trenton, yes," he answers.

My mind is blown away. I am in shock. So much of my life suddenly makes a little more sense.

"Wow. That's insane," I laugh half-heartedly. "I wonder if he's thinking about me...wondering if I ended up the same way. I wonder if he even knew about me."

Yato's eyes bore into mine, his tone filled with sincerity as he replies, "He knows about you."

I perk up. "He does? What did he say? Did he want to keep me?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he says, holding his hands up. "Calm down on the questions. I didn't interview the guy."

"Oh...right. Sorry," I mumbled, dropping my stare.

I was so ready to know if I was actually wanted or if I was just one big mistake. It's stupid and it shouldn't matter, but I just wanted to know.

Yato must take note of my disappointment because he sighs, "He talked about you. He talked about you for a while."

My face lights up. "He did? What did he say?"

"He talked a lot about the day you were born," he answers. "He said you were little -showed us a picture, too. If you're wondering, he wanted to keep you. He wanted to raise you, but he was sixteen and Meredith was fifteen."

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

He continues, "His dad wouldn't let him, and Meredith's family couldn't financially afford to raise a kid, so you were given to your parents." He pauses, most likely calculating his words. "He didn't trust them. Your adoptive parents. He didn't trust them one bit. He said he never trusted doctors. They never believe anything he says." His stare meets mine directly. "He knew your parents wouldn't believe you, either."

The world isn't what I know. None of it is. My life, which I used to believe was so normal is no longer as I thought. Before this, I blindly made peace with how I was raised. I blindly accepted my life to be as it is. That I'm just a screwed-up girl. But this...this gives me hope.

"He knew they wouldn't believe me?" I ask, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

Yato's eyes remained trained on me. "Yes. He knew you'd see the phantoms, and he knew no one would believe you."

"How? How was he so certain?" I swallow.

"Because you're his daughter," he replies.

"And? That doesn't mean anything," I snort.

My body is trying to go numb. I'm afraid of where this is going, now. How would Trenton know I'd see the phantoms? How could he possibly predict that? I mean, sure he and his mother both see them, but that wasn't a guarantee that I would. At least, not that he would know of.

Yato abruptly rests a warm palm on my shoulder, grasping my attention. I turn, our gazes meeting when he whispers, "He knew because it runs in your family, Y/N. For generations, so many have suffered from this."

Generations. Not just me...not just Trenton...not just his mother. Generations. Generations of us.

I chew my lower lip. "What...does this mean? Are we all sick?"

It's unlike him. He gingerly strokes his thumb along my shoulder, breathing, "I don't know, but I have a theory."

"Which would be?" I sniffle.

He bites his lips, sighing, "It's farfetched, but...demigods."

**Bello lovelies! I told y'all this would get a little crazy lol. I warned ya and here we are. May the crazy continue! I hope y'all are invested in this and ready to see what awaits because I have a few more surprises up my sleeves. Anyhow. Thank you so freakin' much for all your support! Y'all are the absolute best! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Come Around" by Papa Roach

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