Chapter 12: Adopted

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"What?! You're adopted?!" Yato bursts, nearly springing to his feet. "Why wouldn't you mention that?"

I just shrug, "I didn't think it was that important."

One of his eyes twitches as his limbs go limp. "I'm sitting here asking questions about your freakin' family history and you didn't think that was important?!"

He got me there. Though I never gave much thought to my origins, he is right. In the end, he needed to know about the nature, not the nurture aspects of my life and where I come from. My adoptive family does not benefit him. Not in this case, anyway.

He massages the bridge of his nose with his fingers and sighs, "Okay. So, you're adopted. Then let's focus on that. Any history with phantoms with your biological parents?"

I twiddle my thumbs and shrug, "I, uh...I don't know."

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?" he perks up.

"I'm adopted, Yato. I don't necessarily have visits with them," I say a tad more aggressively than intended.

But why was I being aggressive? I mean, I didn't really have a reason to...did I? He doesn't understand. How could he? He's a god, not a human. He's certainly not one with mommy and daddy issues.

My blood runs cold. No. No, I don't want to think about them. I don't want to think about YM/N (you mother's name) or YF/N (your father's name) or YB/N (your brother's name -if you have one- if not, make a name up) or YS/N (your sister's name -if you have one- if not, make a name up). I don't want to think about any of them. I left them back in Osaka. I left them back in Osaka with the rest of my past. However, if that's true...then why do I feel this ache?

Feeling his orbs train onto me, I shake my head, balling my hands into fists as I continue, "I'm adopted. I don't advertise that, but I am. Because of that, I don't know my biological parents. I know nothing about them except my mother's name. That's all I have."

I can feel him observe me before sighing, "So, what if you're adopted? Ya didn't think to mention that earlier?"

"Didn't you just hear me? That's not something I parade around," I burst. "It's not something you can necessarily gloat about."

"You think I really care if you're adopted? I don't," he huffs, narrowing his eyes at me. "I don't give a crap if you're your parents' kid or not. What I care about is knowing the family history with phantoms."

I don't know why I suddenly feel so angry. It's as if a wave of raw energy dashes through me, surging from cell to cell. I can feel my face heat up as my ears burn. I shouldn't be feeling this way. There's no reason to. At least, that's what I've told myself repeatedly.

"And I already told you, I know nothing," I growl through gritted teeth. "You wanna look into it? Fine. My biological mother's name is Meredith Vickers (if you don't like the name for whatever reason, feel free to call her whatever). Feel freakin' free to look for her!"

I stand up and storm out of the kitchen, making my way outside. I am met by the frigid gale blowing, her icy fingers combing through my hair as she nips my nose. Due to hurrying out of there, I left my coat in the kitchen, but I don't feel like going to fetch it. Not quite yet. I need air before I can even attempt meeting Yato's eyes again because there's no telling how I'll react.

Truthfully, this was not how I imagined this trip going. I mean, I knew Yato would want to talk about the phantoms, but I didn't foresee this. I thought we'd chat about them and then drop it before going somewhere to have fun. At least, that was what I had been hoping for. Turns out my fantasies didn't match the reality. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised.

Another keen breeze blows, nearly taking my breath away. Shivering, I wrap my arms around myself to offer some shield from the cold to no avail. In the end, the bitter winter gust is still stronger than me. I know I should just go back in to grab my coat so I can take my leave, but I'm just not ready. Not yet. Maybe it's because I'm still seething or maybe it's because, in a twisted kind of way, I'm not ready to say goodbye. It's stupid.

With my face starting to burn from the harsh air, I let out a sigh and turn, only to be met with my jacket being held in my face, startling me. I jump slightly when I notice Yato. He is holding the coat to me, his eyes averted to the side as a pink flush meets his features. He appears to be sporting an expression of both guilt and sorrow.

"Here," he breathes. "It's cold out, so put this on."

Blinking, I do as he says, taking the coat from him. I slide it on and arrange it so that it fits comfortably before glancing up at him.

"Does this mean you want me to go?" I question in a small voice, dropping my stare to my feet.

There's a moment of silence.

"No," he answers.

"Alright. Then I guess I'll -wait, what?" I begin before perking up. My eyes meet his. "What did you say?"

The scarlet on his face brightens. "Y-you can stay."

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

"I can...stay?" I repeat.

He scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, yeah. You can stay. It's not like it's a big deal or anything. I mean, you made a wish and all."

Elation overwhelms me, the anger is replaced by joy. A smile bows my lips as I let my glee overtake me. Without much thought, I fling myself at Yato, wrapping my arms around him in a warm hug. I can feel his body go tense, but I ignore it.

"Thank you, Yato! Thank you so much!" I cheer.

There's a brief silence before he swallows, "Yeah, well, don't thank me yet. Dinner is on you."

"Deal!" I chirp, stepping back.

His face is beat red, only intensifying with each passing second when he mumbles, "I'll go get Yukine. Wait here."

"Okay," I smile.

He blushes again before heading back inside. Another breeze blows, but this time instead of being met with that same icy touch, it's warm.

**Ello my incredible lovelies! So, to clear up things I have YM/N and YF/N down as the adopted parents in this. The birth parents will have different names, though if you don't like those names you can call them whatever. As for the siblings, you can call them by your actual siblings' names. If you're an only child or only have brother(s) or only have sister(s), then you can call them whatever. As the story progresses, you'll see what I have planned. Until then, thank you so, so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

Rant ~Yato x Reader AU~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora