Chapter 29: The Heartbreak

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My body goes numb and my eyes widen.

It doesn't feel real. Those words which just rolled off his lips didn't really come from him. Right? It was someone else talking that I heard over him. Right? It wasn't really him who said that. It couldn't have been. The Kaito I know wouldn't keep something like that...right?

"I'm sorry...what?" I swallow, feeling my throat go dry.

He glances at our hands, his thumb still stroking the back of my own. I follow his stare. They look right. They look like they belong together. Then again, they've always looked that way. But maybe it was always in my head.

He inhales in through his nose and breathes, "I'm...I'm engaged."

I can't feel anything. "For how long?"

"Two months," he answers lowly. His grip slightly tightens but remains ginger. "But it's not what you think."

I bring my gaze to his and immediately pull my hand away from him. His eyes widen as a pained expression runs across his smooth features. A twinge pulls at my chest upon seeing this, but I fight it.

"You're engaged," I swallow. "I don't see what's not to think."

"It isn't what it looks like," he hurries. "Y/N, I promise. It's not –"

"What it looks like," I finish, pushing up from my chair. "I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe. You're engaged. There's nothing to get. Congratulations. I wish you and your fiancé all the best. Have a good life, Kaito."

"Y/N," he mumbles. "Y/N, wait. Please, wait."

But I don't listen.

Heart racing and limbs still numb, I walk as fast as I can. I make it outside, fighting the tears back. I'm so relieved Hiyori is off today because if she saw my reaction, she'd probably chase after me and that's the last thing I currently want. In fact, all I want is to retreat back into my office and hide. Jst to hide from the rest of the world.

I rush into Seven, attracting Ree's attention as she asks, "Y/N? You're back already? Your break doesn't end for another—are you crying? Y/N, are you alright?"

I can see out the corner of my eye that she's about to approach me, so I hurry, "I'm fine, Ree. Just allergies. I'm gonna get back to work, now."

"O-okay," she stammers, freezing in her spot.

I nearly dash into my office and close my door behind me, pressing my back to the wooden barrier. Suddenly, I can feel the atmosphere weighing down on me, laboring my breathing. It may be dramatic, but it feels as if the world is crashing down around me; that everything is just crumbling right before my eyes, which is stupid. It shouldn't matter. It's been three years. People and things can change in that time. So, why am I this upset?

Right. Because the heart fails to move on. And mine is the idiot still circling around Kaito. That's just where my heart keeps running back to. Maybe because he is a snippet of familiarity in a life that I never had control over. But, his life is progressing and moving on, no longer involving me. Clearly.

I let out a sigh and am about to make my way to my desk when a knock comes to my door, startling me, followed by Ree calling, "Y/N, someone says they're here to see you. He said his name is Itchi Kaito."

I can feel my heart jump into my throat.

"Y/N? What do you –" Ree starts.

"I'm busy," I interrupt. "I'm sorry. Can you tell him I'm busy?"

"S-sure," she stammers.

I bite down on my lower lip. "Thanks, Ree."

At that, I listen as she walks away, most likely to tell Kaito what I said. I remain plastered to where I stand, the hole in my chest growing as the tears begin to gloss my eyes. All the pieces I've fought to keep together are crashing down around me, surrounding me with every memory and emotion I've ever felt with Kaito. Everything is crumbling.

Just then, the first tear falls and they don't stop.

**Ello, ello lovelies! Wow. Much like my other projects, this one took on a whole life of its own. That said, this book has a few more chapters in it and then there will be a third book. More details for that will be announced in the epilogue of this one. So, keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, thank you so very, very much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Chicken Noodle Soup" by BTS' J-Hope featuring Becky G. Has nothing to do with the chapter. Just love Hobi! 💗

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