Chapter 16: The Date Begins

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I don't know why I'm suddenly nervous about this.

After I made my wish to Yato, we ran down a few things. We came up with a story about how we met to tell Hiyori. We came to an agreement about how long we knew each other and other things to iron out before our very fake date with the very real couple. Maybe that's what has me so nervous. This is all fake, but Hiyori will think it's real. She'll think this double date is an actual thing. Both her and Hiroki will think that and as horrible as it sounds, I want them to. I want them to believe it really is a fun little double date because I genuinely want them to have fun. I'll figure out how to deal with the rest later.

With a hardy breath, I smooth the wrinkles in my kimono. It's a traditional attire that I've become quite familiar with over the years of living in Osaka, but I wasn't expecting to put this on again. Not after all this time. However, here I am, back in it as the material bends and moves with me. Honestly, I do feel beautiful in it. It's something I haven't felt since I was with Kaito.

His name. It runs through my mind so effortlessly, but I wish it didn't. I wish that it struggled to roll through my thoughts like how I choke on it when I say it. Even more so...I wish I struggled to remember him, but I can't. He's there. He's always there and I'm always trying to resist indulging those memories. The memories that make me feel things I haven't felt since I last saw him.

I let out another sigh and pull a loose strand of hair behind my ear. There's nothing else to fix. I am ready. I am all set and ready to, clothes, and makeup...all done. So, I grab my purse and turn, making my way to the stairs.

"Hiyori, I'm all set," I call, glimpsing over my shoulder.

My friend comes in from the other room, wearing her own kimono. It's a pretty pink that makes her unique eyes pop as her long locks remain pulled in a side ponytail. A single flower is nestled behind her ear, her small purse in her hold as a friendly smile lifts her lips.

"Me too," she chimes. "I'm so glad we're doing this! Are you excited, Y/N?"

I smile, "Yeah. I haven't been to a festival in a long while."

"Same," she giggles. "I'm also excited for you to meet Hiroki and to meet the guy you've been seeing."

The guilt tugs at me as we head down to the main level. All week I've been working my best to prepare myself for this night. I need to act eager and excited for her to meet Yato. It's going to be awkward -I know it is- but in the end, I know Yato a hell of a lot better than I know a random guy.

"Same," I lie. "So, are we meeting Hiroki there or are we waiting outside of Seven?"

"There," she replies happily. "What about your date?"

"Also there," I swallow.

"Well then, let's go ahead and head out! We don't wanna leave them waiting," she cheers.

At that, we leave the warm interior of the shop and begin for the nearby festival. All the while, I faked my glee.


"Oh, wow," Hiyori gasps. "Look at all the lanterns. They're so pretty."

She's not wrong. Strung up all about are lanterns, their golden hues breaking the darkness. There are so many different types and styles, all decorated and colored differently. Booths are scattered all around, all offering a place to buy a bite to eat or play some games, the sweet smell of cinnamon rolling through the bitter air. Men, women, and children all walk up and down the walkways, all happily chattering. All just...happy.

But it's still beautiful.

"Yeah," I agree with a nod. "They're very pretty." I turn to Hiyori, adding, "What's this festival for, anyway?"

Rant ~Yato x Reader AU~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن