Chapter 8: Happier

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One cup of tea.

That was all it took. That was all it took to catch his attention. Just one steaming cup of fine brew. That one single offer brought him here that night. It almost doesn't feel real in a sense. A god. A god had been in my apartment, sitting on my couch as he drank from my mug. It almost sounds crazy, but it happened.

He had been here.

"Here ya go," I had smiled. "One cup of tea."

He hesitated but took the cup. "Thanks."

"No problem," I chimed, situating myself into my seat.

A sheet of silence lingered between us, making the atmosphere feel heavy with an awkward tension. It was a little too uncomfortable to be honest, making me feel weird. I wanted to say something. Anything to make the weirdness melt away. However, I didn't know what to say. Luckily, I didn't have to figure anything out as he did just that.

"This tastes good," he said, glancing around my living room. "Nice place ya got here, too. Looks...vintage...and Western."

I took a swig of my tea and nodded, "Thanks. It is, isn't it? The owner of the shop downstairs actually owns this place too. I guess he used to live here or something."

"Wouldn't be surprising," he agreed. "Nora is a small port village, so a lot of people live above their businesses."

"True," I shrugged.

I glimpsed down at my cup of tea. My reflection stared back up at me from the liquid. Seeing myself bending and moving in such abstractive ways made me feel weird. It made it seem like I wasn't really there. Then again, as I snuck a peek over at Yato, seeing him didn't feel real either. None of what was surrounding me felt real. But it was.

Everything was real.

"So, you've really never been in an accident?" he abruptly questioned, catching my attention.

My stare met his. He was already looking at me, those vivid orbs nearly hitching my breath. I knew that no matter how many times I gazed into those fierce eyes; they'd always have the same effect on me. They'd always steal the wind from my lungs and make me feel so small. That was obvious to see, but I had to act like I was unfazed.

Mustering up as much confidence as I could, I nodded, "Yeah. We've already been through this. I've never even broke a bone or needed stitches before." I tried to laugh, adding, "Why?"

He fidgeted with his fingers before answering, "Because you're a human."

"And?" I pressed, lifting a brow. "There's people that see spirits and all that jazz. Haven't you ever heard of mediums?"

He shook his head. "Spirits and phantoms are not the same things. If corrupted a spirit can become a phantom much like regalia, but they're not the same thing."

It still didn't make sense. All that talk of spirits, phantoms, regalia, and gods...with a god. It almost seemed crazy. No. It was crazy. What sane person actually had those types of conversations? Not mentally sound people. But as I looked at Yato, I knew I wasn't mad. He was really there. He was there saying those things.

Which meant I was sane.

"Okay," I shrugged. "So, they're not the same thing. What does that matter? It's not like it's a big deal." His expression became unreadable, causing me to quickly press, "It's not a big deal, right?"

"That's just it. I'm not sure," he sighed. "Phantoms are made of negative energy. If you can see them...I thought you had an accident that triggered it."

"Why an accident? And while we're on that, why was getting hit by a bus the example you went with?" I asked, growing more and more intrigued.

It was hard to see at first, but I did notice it. A tint of pain floated to the surface of his eyes, piquing my interest. There was a reason behind his choice of examples. The agony was practically looming around him, telling me he had his reasons.

"It just came to my mind," he muttered, dropping his gaze.

"Just came to your mind?" I repeated, lifting a brow. "Awfully specific, don't ya think?"

"It was just a freakin' example," he snapped, turning to me.

I was taken aback by his abrupt outburst. However, that was not what caught me. What I really noticed was his eyes. The pain was still in them, but there was something else as well. Fear. He didn't want to talk about whatever it was he was hiding. Like a wounded animal, he was defending himself.

"Thanks for the tea, but I should go," he cleared his throat, setting his cup on my coffee table.

Just like before, I didn't want to see him go. I didn't want him to leave. Maybe it was because with him, god or not, I felt normal. I didn't feel crazy. I didn't feel insane. However, with the look in his eyes, I knew there was no convincing him to stay. Not a second time but I knew one thing. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to talk to him again. I needed that.

With trembling lips, I said, "Wait, before you go..."

He stood there, those eyes on me as he asked, "Yeah?"

I gripped my hands into fists. "I want to ask you...could I...could I see you again?"


I was certain he was gone, but I couldn't bring myself to look up. Maybe it was because I didn't want to believe he was gone. Maybe it was because I didn't want to be left alone. But that was when I heard his voice.

"Is that a question or a wish?"

My head shot up, meeting his stare. "What?"

"Is that a question or a wish?" he repeated, standing above me.

My eyes widened. The look in those fiery irises...they were softer. His guard was down. He was giving me an opportunity.

"Wish," I swallowed. "It's a wish."

He narrowed his eyes. "That'll be five yen, then."

Even now, as I sit on my sofa, my eyes lingering on the spot where he sat...I can't help but smile. I'd never been happier to spend five yen in my whole life.

**Bello awesome lovelies! See. Told ya that we'd see what Yato and Y/N talked about. Seems that Y/N wants to see our favorite friendly neighborhood Delivery God more. Wonder what'll happen. Also, wonder what her seeing phantoms means? Hmm? Feel free to leave your theories! Thank you so, so, SOOO much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Stay awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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