Chapter 7: Twinge

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"Thanks for coming with me on your day off," Hiyori smiles, heading toward a rack of floral printed shirts. "I'm sure you'd want to go somewhere else to shop, but I appreciate this."

"It's no problem," I say.

We're in Seven, the two of us browsing the rack in search of something that catches her attention. To be honest, I was slightly surprised when Hiyori texted me earlier, asking me to join her in some clothes shopping. However, I was not shocked when she recommended browsing through Seven. I mean, it'd only make sense we'd try there. Still, she hasn't told me why we're shopping.

"So," I hum.

"So?" she giggles.

"So...why are we shopping?" I continue.

She shrugs, "Just looking for something nice."

I lift a brow. Hiyori might not know this, but she's piqued my interest. I watch and observe her. She is concentrated on her browsing, her unique stare observing each of the shirts. She seems focused, but that's not what has my attention. Rather, it's her humming and the way the corners of her lips are drawn up that has me intrigued.

"Oh? Just...something nice?" I hum, wiggling my eyebrows. "What's the occasion? Could it be...a date?"

She immediately perks up, waving her hands dismissively as she stammers, "A-a date? W-who said anything about a d-date?"

"Oh, it's definitely a date," I smirk. "Come on, come on. What's his name? How do ya know him? Where'd ya meet? Details, details."

Hiyori's face flashes a bright scarlet as she fidgets with her fingers. "W-well, we met in our psychology class last semester. We were desk neighbors, so we often talked and found out we have a bit in common."

I just stand and listen to her, watching as a sly smile meets my lips. I've never seen her so flustered over anyone before. It's new to me, but so pure. She fidgets and stutters as her cheeks flush red, telling me she really likes this guy.

"A bit in common? Such as?" I press, wanting more details than she's already giving me.

"Well...we both really like mixed martial arts," she smiles.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Of course, you both do. What's his name?"

"Yama Hiroki," she replies cheerfully. "He's the sweetest. He makes all these cute pictures for me and leaves all these sweet notes."

"He sounds like a great guy," I compliment.

A small twinge pulls at my chest. It is a sharp pain that hits me out of seemingly nowhere...though I know that nowhere is somewhere. Deep, deep down somewhere in my heart of hearts, I know what this feeling is. I recognize it and it is not one I wish to remember. All I want is a little break from this pain. Is that too much to ask for?

I shake my head and pull myself from my thoughts, clearing my throat. "Anyway. Did he ask you out or vice versa?"

"He asked me," she answers. "Surprised me, really. He's taking me to this really nice sushi place on the Strip in the heart of Tokyo tomorrow night."

My eyes widen. "Wow. That's a swanky place. Well, ya definitely don't wanna just show up wearing just anything."

"I know," she sighs. "But I don't want to overdo it, either. Ya know?"

"I get it," I agree.

I scan the rack in front of us. It has plenty of nice shirts, but nothing that stands out. She wants to make some sort of statement with this Hiroki guy -that much I know. So, though I'm no fashion expert, I know exactly where we should look.

"Follow me," I order.

Hiyori lifts an eyebrow but follows behind me. We make our way a few racks over to where Mr. Sui keeps the more elegant collection. It's nothing too extravagant or wild, but it'll be a step up from where we began. Surely, she'll find something that she likes.

"What's over here?" she questions.

"Hopefully something that's date friendly," I answer, scanning the rack. "Red would be too sensual for a first date and black would be too serious, so avoid any dresses with those as the solid colors. Hmm. This would be cute."

I start to pull different articles of clothing off the rack and pass them to Hiyori. She takes them and shoots me a confused expression. After a few minutes of collecting different pieces, I lead her to a dressing room. From there, I sit and wait outside as she shows off the different outfits. Some were nice, others not so much, and some just straight-up too...not it.

And just when all was looking hopeless, she emerges from the dressing room in what I dub the perfect first date this case. A soft pink off the shoulder top clothes her torso as a flowing floral print skirt hangs from her hips. The colors are light enough to go against the dim lighting that'll be in the sushi place while also still being fashionably appropriate for a date. Match it with a nice pair of light-colored heels and she'd be ready.

"That is so freakin' cute," I gush, standing up. "Just look at it. And if you pair them up with different clothes they can be worn casually too." I scan her quickly. "And it totally suits you."

"You think so?" she asks.

I nod, "Yes. Do you like it?"

She glances at herself in the mirror. I watch as she turns to different angles, soaking up her reflection. Honestly, the smile on her face tells me that she definitely likes what she sees. The smile on her face only grows with each moment that passes.

"I do," she beams. "I think we have a winner."

I cross my arms over my chest and smirk, "So, just outta curiosity. Did you give him chocolate back on Valentine's Day?"

Another tint of blush meets her cheeks as she laughs anxiously, "M-maybe."

I cock my head back and cackle, "Seems Touno's not your only choice."

**Ello lovelies! Well, a fun little chapter between Hiyori and Y/N. And Hiyori has a date! Seems like martial arts truly is a way to her heart, huh? Lol, I'm just joking. Don't worry -I haven't forgotten about the tea with Yato. Eventually, we'll learn about what happened during that encounter. Just be patient. Anyway, thank you so much or everything! I truly appreciate everything! Y'all are amazeballs! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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