Chapter 18: Ties

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The lanterns have grown so far away. They look more like a cluster of glowing specs that continue to drift. Honestly, it's still a very beautiful sight. It's still so mesmerizing. I guess that's why I'm still standing here...still gawking as the crowd begins to thin, most of the people returning to the booths offering food, games, and gifts.

"Y/N, Hiroki and I are going to go take a selfie over by the pier. We'll be back," Hiyori announces.

I just nod, listening to them walk away. That's fine. I can't bring myself to tear my stare from the floating lanterns. Not yet, anyway. I'm too fixated on them. Maybe it's because I've never seen anything this beautiful. Maybe it's because this is my first time here. Then again, maybe it's because I'm too nervous to look anywhere else.

After seeing those mixed emotions displayed on Yato's face, I can't risk looking at him. Not after seeing him stare at Hiyori like that. It feels...awkward. Well, for me it does. Hiyori is oblivious and Yato...he's not currently talking. He's leaning against a tree, his arms crossed firmly over his chest as he stares at whatever. I assume he's watching as Hiyori and Hiroki walk off.

Curious, I sigh, "Okay. Spit it out. What's gnawing at cha?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he mutters.

"Tch," I snort, turning to him. "You've been acting off since you got here. So, what's the deal?"

"What deal? There's no deal," he mumbles.

As expected, his eyes aren't meeting mine. They're averted down, the expression on his face still sporting that familiar pain that I saw earlier. He's upset. I can tell. I might not know him very well, but I can tell that much.

"Something's up. I can tell," I continue, taking a step toward him. "Come on. What's up?"

"Just drop it. There's nothin' freakin' wrong. Okay?" he growls, finally lifting his stare to me.

I just lift a brow and cross my arms over my chest. "Uh-huh. Yeah. And I'm a unicorn. For real. What's wrong?" I pause, glimpsing to the direction Hiyori and Hiroki went, not wanting to ask what I say next. "Is it about Hiyori?"

He perks up, his eyes going wide as he looks at me. That's the only answer I need. His reaction is more than enough for me.

I sigh, "It is. It is Hiyori." There's a slight pause before I continue, " do you know her?"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about," he pouts, turning away.

"Come on," I encourage. "I saw the way you looked at her. It looked like -"

"I said I don't freakin' know her," he snaps, once again turning to me.

I don't know why. It's not the first time he's snapped at me like this. I feel like it's something we constantly do. But this time...the fierceness in his eyes almost startles me. The raging flames deep within those irises almost cause my soul to drain from my body. However, that slight snippet of fear quickly fades, morphing into a tint of anger.

"Fine," I snarl. "Whatever. Stay here and pout, then. I don't care." I can feel my rage boiling beneath my skin. "I need air."

I turn and storm away, leaving him as I walk toward the shore. To be honest, it's all stupid. This argument, my reaction, everything. So, what if he knows Hiyori and he doesn't want to talk about it? It's not my problem. If he wants to pout the evening away, then that's his deal, not mine. I'm having too much of a good time to let this get me down. At least, that's what I tell myself. In the end, this is just one big lie that I'm trying to force myself to believe.

In the end, the reality is that as much as I don't want to care, I do. It's stupid, but despite this date being fake on our part, I still wanted to feel...I don't know...wanted? I wanted to be looked at the way he looked at her. I wanted someone's eyes to light up the way his did when he saw her. It's stupid and ridiculous, but I can't help but feel slightly jealous.

Rant ~Yato x Reader AU~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora